new-to-me ForeFlight "flight notifications"?


Management Council Member
Dec 5, 2010
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This weekend, I filed my SFRA flight plan with ForeFlight as usual, but observed a new behavior: The Flights tab at the bottom lit up with a badge, distracting^Walerting me to the fact that I had 7 unread flight notifications. I dutifully drilled into the flight plan to mark them all as read and make the badge go away. It was the usual stuff (TFRs, AIRMETs)... that I would have already seen on the briefing.

Is there a way to disable these notifications?

@John Collins, did something change on the FAA side? AFAICT the flight notifications themselves have been implemented in ForeFlight for quite some time...
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Nothing I am aware of has changed. These flight notifications should show up if there has been an update since you filed your flight plan.
From my experience, if you get an expected AS FILED, you'll get a notification for when you filed and one for flight plan acknowledged. Don't have experience seeing a full route clearance or with route changes yet.