National Museum of the USAF

X3 Skier

Jul 3, 2011
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If anybody is going to or thinking about the USAF Museum, drop me a PM. I’m a volunteer there and would be happy to give you a personal tour of the place. It’s a full two days to visit everything in the Four HUGE hangars but if you’re interested in any particular plane(s) or era(s), let me know. I have scheduled days and can also drop in if I’m not scheduled.

Several GA airports nearby including I73, MGY and my Home Drome, I19.

One of my pet peeves is when companies and other organizations do not put their contract information on the front page of their websites. If I have to go searching for it, I get the impression that they do not want the business.

Same thing happened here. Very frustrating.
That place is at least twice as big as it was when I was last there.
What is interesting is what is on display is about 10% of what they have. A lot of it is smaller things like personal equipment, medals, etc. Most, if not all you see at other AFB’s is technically the Museum’s including gate guards (planes on poles or parked at the entrance to the Bases).

Last time I was there they came up on the loudspeaker and announced the OJ verdict. :D No kidding.

I need to swap some family furniture this summer before our move with my brother in Indy so might meet up there.
If anybody is going to or thinking about the USAF Museum, drop me a PM. I’m a volunteer there and would be happy to give you a personal tour of the place. It’s a full two days to visit everything in the Four HUGE hangars but if you’re interested in any particular plane(s) or era(s), let me know. I have scheduled days and can also drop in if I’m not scheduled.

Several GA airports nearby including I73, MGY and my Home Drome, I19.

PM sent
sure do wish I was heading that way sometime soon.
I was airlining it out of Dayton once a couple decades ago, tavelling for work heading home. Had a little extra time till I needed to be at the airport...and I mean a little. I want to say it was an hour + drive I saw what I could in that hour. Literaly ran through the museum...carefully, but still running. Didn't get to read anything but that sure did seem like a great museum!
Do you have enough pull to get us permission to land on the runway there? :D
I go about every three or four years,it never gets old. Jackson green county.
Do you have enough pull to get us permission to land on the runway there? :D
…and take off from it a few hours later, having spent the time between landing and takeoff exploring the museum and not a cell?
If you have a WWI Replica aircraft, 7-8 Oct you can register and fly at the Wright Field area of the Base where the Museum is located.

Outstanding museum. Worth going out of the way to visit.
And if you haven't been in a while, it keeps growing and growing.

I have been several times since the late 70s, when it was one building.
Hey Rick... didn’t know you were volunteering there. I was for a while prior to moving to Columbus. Got the shirt to prove it! :D