Hi, Anonymous,
I've been assaulted by a doctor before, so yes, I will take my chances with an AME and the FAA before I let a doctor check my anus for BasicMed.
I am so sorry that happened to you. I can't begin to fathom the impact... So I respect your choice -- especially if you've got an AME who have worked with in the past and who you trust. Or, even if you just trust the "3rd class process", because you've been through it before and it's familiar. That's okay too.
Just food for thought... a lot of AME's also do BasicMed, and basically do the same style exam as they would for a 3rd. I did my BasicMed last week (from an AME) and did not have to disrobe either. The BasicMed experience depends entirely on the physician, so they can be very different.
Regardless of whether a doctor looks at your anus or not, going to see a physician should never -- NEVER, for ANYONE! -- be the kind of experience where you "take your chances" that he or she might do something unwanted to you. And we -- patients -- can (and should!) make our needs known, and get questions asked, before the exam starts. "Will I need to disrobe?" "Can I bring a second person into the room?" If these questions matter, ask them. Any doctor that evades answering, or does not answer to your satisfaction, you thank for their time and find a different one.
Getting medical care is one of the most important things we can do in our lives. Most of us need it eventually, for something. Like any working machine, we require maintenance. So it's important that doctors be professional, trustworthy, and respectful of our needs. All that being said, it's just as important that we --patients -- learn to navigate their services, in the interests of our own health. Yes, it can be humiliating at times -- especially in the LadyPart domain. But speaking as someone who has had a pretty long list of Humiliating LadyPart Medical Procedures over the decades, I can tell you that a routine pelvic exam / mammogram / rectal exam / colonoscopy sucks less --- way less, by orders of magnitude! -- than cancer.
Take care of yourself out there,