More computer class questions

michael Killacky

Pre-takeoff checklist
Feb 23, 2005
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The last time I posted a few of these computer course questions the responses were right on the money. To refresh your memories, the G/F is taking a vet-tech course but must first take this computer course. We are both technology challenged. I've tried to help but these answers don't seem to appear in the study guide. Any help will be appreciated.

1)All components of a multimedia website are commonly tied together by using:
c) image optimizing
d)site management (my guess is d)

2) To ensure that your websiteis accesible to the largest possible audience, you should
a)use only WML and not HTML
b) use plug-ins sparingly and don't wast space with links
c) consider device compatibility and assistive technology
d) install better page-markup software

3) Which database would allowthe widest variety of queries?
a) Relational
b) Hierarchical
c) Network
d) The three types are equally flexible

4) An analyst identifies a delay in billing as a symptom rather than a problem, but he reccomends that the project move to the next stage. What phase of the systems developmental life cycle comes next?
a) Systems analysis
b) None, since there is no sysyem problem
c) preliminary investigation
d) System design

5) During the _____________ phase of the systems development life cycle, a cocmpany would try to determine, among other things, whether greater employee satisfaction would make a new system worty the cost.
a) Systems analysis
b) preliminary implementation
c) system design
d) preliminary investigation ( my guess is d again)
And Finally,
6)A type of data manipulation that doesn't affect the contents of a database is:
a) database creation
b) information retrieval
c) file maintenence
d) updating records ( my guess is b this time)

Thank you guys for any help you can be, but please don't pick on me for being stupid. I'll share the advice my father gave me when I was a young man. " Son, You're too lazy to work, too scared to steal, and too ugly to marry a rich girl, the only chance you'll have at life is to pass that Prison Guard test." God Bless my dad, he would have been 82 last Sunday. It;s been five long years since he's passed. He had a million of these little pearls of wisdom.

Thanks, Mike
Aight, here's my fairly tech-savvy ex-web designer/admin stab at it.

michael Killacky said:
1)All components of a multimedia website are commonly tied together by using:

HTML = HyperText Markup Language, which is what you see when you choose "View Source" in your browser. It's what ties every web site together. And really, what is a "multimedia" web site? It's only a buzzword, really. Any decent web site will have text, graphics, links, etc.

2) To ensure that your websiteis accesible to the largest possible audience, you should
c) consider device compatibility and assistive technology

3) Which database would allowthe widest variety of queries?
a) Relational

The above are the only answers that make sense.

4) An analyst identifies a delay in billing as a symptom rather than a problem, but he reccomends that the project move to the next stage. What phase of the systems developmental life cycle comes next?
a) Systems analysis

5) During the _____________ phase of the systems development life cycle, a cocmpany would try to determine, among other things, whether greater employee satisfaction would make a new system worty the cost.
d) preliminary investigation ( my guess is d again)

6)A type of data manipulation that doesn't affect the contents of a database is:
b) information retrieval

These last three are basically educated guesses on my part. Honestly, this whole thing smells like crap written by some MIS hack. (Apologies to any MIS folks we have here...) Frankly, it really doesn't matter what you call the various stages in the lifecycle of a project. Sheesh.

1)All components of a multimedia website are commonly tied together by using:
d)site management
Nothing really fits.
GIF is a type of image (picture)
HTML holds the page together.
Image Optimizing is a good idea.
Site Management is the only answer pertaining to the entire site.

2) To ensure that your websiteis accesible to the largest possible audience, you should
c) consider device compatibility and assistive technology

3) Which database would allow the widest variety of queries?
a) Relational

4) An analyst identifies a delay in billing as a symptom rather than a problem, but he recomends that the project move to the next stage. What phase of the systems developmental life cycle comes next?
d) System design
Problem analysis is a final step in business/system analysis, so the next step is design.
5) During the _____________ phase of the systems development life cycle, a company would try to determine, among other things, whether greater employee satisfaction would make a new system worth the cost.
a) Systems analysis
Cost is one of the problems.
6)A type of data manipulation that doesn't affect the contents of a database is:
b) information retrieval
- Aunt Peggy
Kathy and I really appreciate the answers. I know nothing about computers and websites, but I'm beginning to think this part of the course is crap. I can't wait till she gets to the animal fixin' stuff, she knows about that stuff.
michael Killacky said:
Kathy and I really appreciate the answers. I know nothing about computers and websites, but I'm beginning to think this part of the course is crap. I can't wait till she gets to the animal fixin' stuff, she knows about that stuff.
You're right. Those are seriously dumb questions (what they asked, not your responses :D ). Or maybe not so dumb questions, but really dumb choices to make :yes:

Edited: the dumbness of the questions and responses reminds me of an FAA written exam. I know when I did my PP-ASEL test I missed one of those asinine questions that sort of went: An airplane, a zeppelin and a cement mixer are converging... Which has the right of way?
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Multiple guess questions are hard to write. (stating the obvious I know)

A good discussion in class is why the choices are ..uhh.. subobpitmal (whew it didn't get asteriked). I agree these are not the best question on this stuff I've seen..

Help the instuctor, discuss what's wrong with what they asked.

Areeda said:
Multiple guess questions are hard to write. (stating the obvious I know)

A good discussion in class is why the choices are ..uhh.. subobpitmal (whew it didn't get asteriked). I agree these are not the best question on this stuff I've seen..

Help the instuctor, discuss what's wrong with what they asked.

It's not so hard if you know the subject you're supposed to be teaching. It looks like whoever wrote these picked from random words in the index of "Systems Analysis for Dummies."
Areeda said:
Multiple guess questions are hard to write. (stating the obvious I know)

A good discussion in class is why the choices are ..uhh.. subobpitmal (whew it didn't get asteriked). I agree these are not the best question on this stuff I've seen..

Help the instuctor, discuss what's wrong with what they asked.


It's an online course on vetrinarian technician. She already works at a clinic but is unliscened and can't do a lot of things legally. The computer course is some type of prerequesite, and next she will start biology. Hopefully that part will be better worded, as that is what this course is all about. Again everyone, thanks a lot for the replies.

RotaryWingBob said:
You're right. Those are seriously dumb questions (what they asked, not your responses :D ). Or maybe not so dumb questions, but really dumb choices to make :yes:

Edited: the dumbness of the questions and responses reminds me of an FAA written exam. I know when I did my PP-ASEL test I missed one of those asinine questions that sort of went: An airplane, a zeppelin and a cement mixer are converging... Which has the right of way?

I'm giving the cement mixer a wide berth every time. Screw the FAR's
RotaryWingBob said:
You're right. Those are seriously dumb questions (what they asked, not your responses :D ). Or maybe not so dumb questions, but really dumb choices to make :yes:

Edited: the dumbness of the questions and responses reminds me of an FAA written exam. I know when I did my PP-ASEL test I missed one of those asinine questions that sort of went: An airplane, a zeppelin and a cement mixer are converging... Which has the right of way?
I think it was a seaplane and a sailboat on the water. It required that you know that maritime rules are the same as the F.A.R.s for whatever reason. In a head on conflict the seaplane had to yield to the sailboat the same as a plane has to yield to a balloon. The more maneuverable vehicle yields.

That was one where I was happy I had bought the Flite-Tech tapes.
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