Missing Nazi Train May Have Been Found.

Very interesting if it is the train. One of those tales that proves to be true..
Pardon me, boy. Is that the Walbrzych choo-choo?
How does one keep a tunnel big enough to hold a train secret for 70 years?
How does one keep a tunnel big enough to hold a train secret for 70 years?

1) Build a concentration camp.

2) Have the inmates dig a tunnel.

3) Kill all of the inmates. Maybe the guards too.

4) Park the train. Backfill the tunnel.

5) Kill everyone who helped backfill the tunnel or who drove the train.
300 tons at $1800 per ounce = $15,750,000,000
$1100 per ounce is 9,625,000,000
Likely, I wouldn't tell anyone. This gold is stolen and should be returned to the rightful owners.
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Sounds like a Clive Cussler novel plot. Except the train would have been submerged and Dirk Pitt would dive to it.

Interesting if true, however.
...they claim contains Nazi treasure that could be worth "well over a million dollars,"

I would think 300 tons of gold might be worth a little more than a mere million.
Here we go again. :rolleyes: Over the years we have heard of hidden Nazi underground bunkers filled with pristine Nazi warbirds and then there are those British Spitfires we were supposed to see by now.

You can't hide a train for 70 years. The train follows a track and the track leads you to the train. Even if the track is torn up and the tunnel sealed, there are people that know about it and where it is. People would have been digging a long, long time ago.

So the Germans are running away from the advancing Russians. Do you think they would have enough time to pull the train into the secret tunnel, seal the train in, tear up the tracks, restore the track in the main line so you can't see where the siding switch was, then restore the landscape to cover up the track bedding, grading and all evidence of where the track had been? Then as others have suggested, kill everybody involved with the plot?

What's more likely to have happened is, the train had little to no gold on it, was destroyed enroute by Russian aircraft, the occupying Russians hauled the wreck away for scrap and kept poor records of salvage operations.

I could be wrong and I'll admit it when the huge news breaks, but I'm not holding my breath.
How does one keep a tunnel big enough to hold a train secret for 70 years?

1) Build a concentration camp.

2) Have the inmates dig a tunnel.

3) Kill all of the inmates. Maybe the guards too.

4) Park the train. Backfill the tunnel.

5) Kill everyone who helped backfill the tunnel or who drove the train.

That's one way. The other is that the tunnel already existed (some evidence for that - there are many unexplored/unknown tunnels in the old German empire), and was closed/buried as the Allied forces came in. That's not hard, some dynamite will do. Given the post-war confusion and disruption it's not hard to understand how this could escape the eyes of others. The rail lines were usually rebuilt after the war - remember that the Soviet empire used a different rail gauge than the rest of Europe.

Here we go again. :rolleyes: Over the years we have heard of hidden Nazi underground bunkers filled with pristine Nazi warbirds and then there are those British Spitfires we were supposed to see by now.

You can't hide a train for 70 years. The train follows a track and the track leads you to the train. Even if the track is torn up and the tunnel sealed, there are people that know about it and where it is. People would have been digging a long, long time ago.

So the Germans are running away from the advancing Russians. Do you think they would have enough time to pull the train into the secret tunnel, seal the train in, tear up the tracks, restore the track in the main line so you can't see where the siding switch was, then restore the landscape to cover up the track bedding, grading and all evidence of where the track had been? Then as others have suggested, kill everybody involved with the plot?

What's more likely to have happened is, the train had little to no gold on it, was destroyed enroute by Russian aircraft, the occupying Russians hauled the wreck away for scrap and kept poor records of salvage operations.

I could be wrong and I'll admit it when the huge news breaks, but I'm not holding my breath.

Also plausible.

But closing a tunnel is fairly easy with explosives (and supposedly the train is "protected" by explosives). No need to tear up the track completely - they were already blasting it apart in retreat. The Allies had much better things to do than try and reopen tunnels and look for supposed war loot. Especially the Soviets.

This is a description of the rail line in Italy (Naples-Rome) in 1946:

After a seven and a half hour train ride we finally reached our destination. Along the roadway we could see the remains of several battle fields. Houses were completely demolished with only one or two walls left standing and some times there were only a few scattered pieces of concrete. Numerous bomb craters marked the efforts of the Allies to destroy the rail line and where in pre-war Italy this line wa all electric now they have to use steam engines.

So the allies did as much destruction as the Germans, and it would not surprise me one iota if the rail lines there were torn up and destroyed by the Allies (as well as the Germans). As my dad noted (above quote), even in Italy in 1946 the rail lines were still torn up.

Opening an old tunnel, even back then, carried substantial risk. No surprise if they found an alternate route that didn't require such work.
Dirk Pitt did find this train. It was an American train and was sealed in a quarry tunnel.

On a more serious note, if this train exists, I can't wait to see the footage of the reveal.
300 tons at $1800 per ounce = $15,750,000,000
$1100 per ounce is 9,625,000,000
Likely, I wouldn't tell anyone. This gold is stolen and should be returned to the rightful owners.

If it exists exactly correct. It should be returned I do think those that discovered it should get a commission however.
This gold is stolen and should be returned to the rightful owners.

If it exists exactly correct. It should be returned I do think those that discovered it should get a commission however.

Returning it to whom it may belong is likely an impossibility. The Nazis collected by force gold from all parts of their short lived empire and melted it down and turned it into minted gold bars. Where exactly it all came from is largely lost to the ages. If this train is a reality, it would likely contain wooden crates with Nazi proofed gold bars and not identifiable artifacts.

I wouldn't mind one bit if it all remained in Poland. They suffered quite a bit and nearly the longest in WWII.
Returning it to whom it may belong is likely an impossibility. The Nazis collected by force gold from all parts of their short lived empire and melted it down and turned it into minted gold bars. Where exactly it all came from is largely lost to the ages. If this train is a reality, it would likely contain wooden crates with Nazi proofed gold bars and not identifiable artifacts.

I wouldn't mind one bit if it all remained in Poland. They suffered quite a bit and nearly the longest in WWII.

A Russian lawyer thinks that the Kremlin could claim it.

Need to keep the scansion the same. How 'bout, "is that the Walbrzych treasure-packing choo-choo..."?

Ron Wanttaja

I don't know how many syllables are in "Walbrzych". Polish names typically need to buy a vowel or two.
I don't know how many syllables are in "Walbrzych". Polish names typically need to buy a vowel or two.

Bosnian names, too. Reminds me of the famous Onion article from December 1995.

Clinton Deploys Vowels to Bosnia

Cities of Sjlbvdnzv, Grzny to Be First Recipients

Before an emergency joint session of Congress yesterday, President Clinton announced US plans to deploy over 75,000 vowels to the war-torn region of Bosnia. The deployment, the largest of its kind in American history, will provide the region with the critically needed letters A,E,I,O and U, and is hoped to render countless Bosnian names more pronounceable.

"For six years, we have stood by while names like Ygrjvslhv and Tzlynhr and Glrm have been horribly butchered by millions around the world," Clinton said. "Today, the United States must finally stand up and say 'Enough.' It is time the people of Bosnia finally had some vowels in their incomprehensible words. The US is proud to lead the crusade in this noble endeavour."

The deployment, dubbed Operation Vowel Storm by the State Department, is set for early next week, with the Adriatic port cities of Sjlbvdnzv and Grzny slated to be the first recipients. Two C-130 transport planes, each carrying over 500 24-count boxes of "E's," will fly from Andrews Air Force Base across the Atlantic and airdrop the letters over the cities.

Citizens of Grzny and Sjlbvdnzv eagerly await the arrival of the vowels. "My God, I do not think we can last another day," Trszg Grzdnjkln, 44, said. "I have six children and none of them has a name that is understandable to me or to anyone else. Mr. Clinton, please send my poor, wretched family just one 'E.' Please."

Said Sjlbvdnzv resident Grg Hmphrs, 67: "With just a few key letters, I could be George Humphries. This is my dream."

The airdrop represents the largest deployment of any letter to a foreign country since 1984. During the summer of that year, the US shipped 92,000 consonants to Ethiopia, providing cities like Ouaouoaua, Eaoiiuae, and Aao with vital, life-giving supplies of L's, S's and T's.
300 tons of gold.. think what dumping that much on the market would do to gold prices.
If you want to return it to its rightful owners, send it back to the Inca Indians from whom the Spanish stole it.
Returning it to whom it may belong is likely an impossibility. The Nazis collected by force gold from all parts of their short lived empire and melted it down and turned it into minted gold bars. Where exactly it all came from is largely lost to the ages. If this train is a reality, it would likely contain wooden crates with Nazi proofed gold bars and not identifiable artifacts.

I wouldn't mind one bit if it all remained in Poland. They suffered quite a bit and nearly the longest in WWII.

It depends, The Nazis kept incredibly detailed records of everything from what they took from whom and the effects of their torturous medical experiments. If the gold traveled with the records at least some of it may have been able to have been returned. If it was indeed melted into Bars then it can still be distributed to institutions and communities who were likely the source of the stolen gold and who suffered at the hands of the Nazis.

As for it staying in Poland well I suspect that is a matter for an international court to decide Poland suffered but there were a lot of polish collaborators. It could also go to reimburse the cost of the liberators, The U.S. UK, Russians.

My guess is like someone said it has all the loot of Al Capones vault.
A Russian lawyer thinks that the Kremlin could claim it.l

Seeings how the Russians didn't do Poland any favors, before, during or after WWII, I would doubt the Poles would entertain paying them for the hardships they caused the Polish nation.
The allies turned their back on Poland after WW2 as they did not want to " offend" Russia. An excellent example of this is a book about polish spit fire, hurricane pilots who flew for the RAF during and after the Battle of Britain .its called " a question of honor". Excellent read.
My guess is like someone said it has all the loot of Al Capones vault.

Agreed. That much potential loot sitting there all this time and nobody has ever tried to get it until now... just doesn't sit right.:no: