Little trip to Samedan near classy St.Moritz


Pre-takeoff checklist
Nov 3, 2014
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Since last January, we had tried twice before to travel to Locarno for a long weekend with a DA40NG from Lelystad, but the weather gods did not favor us. The third time we went by car, and made a little flying trip in the region from Locarno to Samedan near classy St.Moritz.

Picture: Samedan

A trip report with pictures can be found here

Looks gorgeous. Want to do that one day. Thank you for sharing. there's a blast from the past!

I remember the first time going in there under training in a C550 (Citation II) a long long time ago as clearly as if it was yesterday. Definitely an airport to be respected and it requires a clear understanding of where the cumulo granite is at all times :rolleyes:

Thank you for sharing and taking me back in time :cool: