Listening to LiveATC at KOSH


Line Up and Wait
PoA Supporter
Jun 10, 2021
Virginia Beach, VA
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I’ve downloaded the Notice, but I’m hearing a lot of incoming aircraft calling “the prison arrival.” I assume it’s not ConAir, but I don’t see a prison arrival in the handbook.

what is the Prison Arrival?
There's a prison North of the field several miles (Winnebago area), so I assume if you are arriving from the North it's a visual checkpoint to get you worked in to 18 or transition to 9/27. Don't think it's part of the normal Fisk/Ripon conga line.
I wonder if that is a special arrival for ride and factory demonstrator aircraft that are also flying in and out of Oshkosh during the event. I'm pretty sure those guys don't have to fight the crowd at Fisk to get back into the airport.

Or do they just get permission to use the Warbird arrival?
And the photo shoot aircraft. It's unpublished so you have to be in the "in" crowd to do it.

The other non-Fisk approach is the warbird arrival. This is published in the NOTAM and not exclusively limited to warbirds. You need be able to keep your speed up and not be an idiot to do it. This is what I usually use when giving rides during the show unless the person with me is a pilot and has never done the Ripon thing.
FWIW, I heard a guy check-in on the Prison arrival & caught his ads-b north of KOSH, and just north of 51WI. On the ForeFlight street map, there is a very large prison, Oshkosh Correctional Institution, just east of Hwy 41 & on west Snell rd.

it sounds like the "secret" arrival for demo flights & military aircraft. BTW, the VISION jet is doing a ton of demos today.