Lad, our dog: 1996-2009


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 11, 2007
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
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Dan Mc
Lad, our Yellow Labrador retriever, died today at 4:30 in the vet's office. We were there when he died.

He started acting sick yesterday. He wouldn't eat, and today couldn't even keep down water. Our regular vet doesn't keep Saturday hours, so we took Lad at 1030 to another nearby vet we've used for our cats.

He wouldn't even walk, so we made a stretcher with an old sheet. He didn't even struggle or complain. He was really sick.

We put him in the bed of the truck, and slowly drove the 5 miles to the office. We waited outside -- he was comfortable outside in the bed, and I parked under a shady tree.

At 1230 the vet tech came out and took all Lad's info. By then his breathing was shallow and he was panting.

We rigged another stretcher from a blanket. They asked if it would be ok to put a muzzel on him. He didn't mind, but it really wasn't needed.

We took him inside and after a short wait the Dr. came in and checked him out. He said he had a heart arythmia, and his short breaths and overall demeanor didn't look good. We asked what he thought we should do. He said his job was to make the animals better, and it was up to us.

I asked him to do some tests to help determine what was wrong. He agreed and said they'd call in a couple of hours.

He called us at 4 and said Lad had near total kidney failure, which was causing all the secondary problems. He said he could euthanize Lad.. we would have to let him know.

I said we'd come in. We left the house at 4:10, and arrived at the office at 4:20.

When we walked in Lad was on the floor on a blanket. The Dr said he was going fast, and he didn't need to euthanize him.

We walked over and knelt down next to our faithful, ever friendly, always patient Lad. He was fading fast. His breathing was labored and he didn't seem to recognize us -- the first time in over 12 years.

The Dr and vet techs knelt down and pet Lad as well. Soon, his breaths came less frequently. At about 4:30, he breathed his last.

Lad lived a very good life, was still walking a 3 mile hilly loop 3-4 times a week until last Spring, and still look forward to every single meal until Thursday, and always greeted every person that came to the house.

He knew when to bark when a stranger came up the driveway, but would remain quiet when one of us came home late.

He was easy to train, loved to be outside, probably had ten thousand mile son his paws, and was a great companion on backpacking and camping trips.

One time we were backpacking and in the middle of the night I woke up -- Lad was standing, hair on the back of his neck straight up, silently staring at the tent flap. I moved it aside to see a huge black bear about 20 feet away. I shone a light and it took off. Lad never barked or even moved -- he just let me know the bear was there (we get bears over 500 lbs regularly around here).

Lad would break through ice to swim, followed me on countless runs on trails, and even followed me as I rode a Mountain bike through county park.

His energy was boundless and his love for people never failed.

In the last year his energy slowly wound down and he became less vigorous. Yet he still loved to o for walks -- even if it took a while to get up the steeper hills.

We will miss our Lad.


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Those of us who love dogs and have lost their pets as you have understand what you're going through. I do, and I am sorry for you and your family's loss. Thank you for sharing this.
Thanks, and I'm sorry for your loss. May you find some comfort here...
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
It sounds like Lad had a owners who loved him very much indeed. Goodbye, Lad.
It is my belief we will meet up with all these fine animals again one day, and they will all be in perfect health, free of pain, enjoying whatever it is they loved to do here.
Sooo sorry for your loss.

We have two labs ourseves - one 9 y/o yellow and his son a 3 y/o black. The dad (Schnapps) has definitely lost a step to his son (Moses) within the past year, but he still gives it all he can when retrieving and will hunt until he can barely stand. I dread the day we have to say goodbye to either of our boys.
Very sorry for your loss Dan.

I'm so sorry for your loss. We do love our pets and it always hurts when they leave us. I'm sure you'll remember all of those good times that you all shared. I have a co-worker who had to have her 14 yar old golden put down about a month ago.
Excuse me while I go find some tissue for my eyes (your story got me)... sorry for your family's loss, Dan. Lad was obviously loved.
Dogs are good people; they know stuff we need before we know it ourselves.

Sounds like you had a fine friend, companion and family member.

You know you will never forget him.
Having been raised by Labs and said good bye to at least 4, I feel for you. Its easy to minimize the loss as somehow less important than the loss of human friends. Easy for some people anyway. I'm not one of them. Thanks for providing a good home and a good life for Lad. Hopefully another lucky canine will find a home with you soon.
That just bites Dan. I'm really sorry and teary eyed reading your story.
Sorry for your loss. We lost our Portuguese Water Dog last July after 15.5 years. It took a year before I could bring another pup home.
Thanks so much for the kind words from each and every one.

We pilots love our machines, but it seems we save the best part of our heart for people and animals.
Dan...sorry to hear the passing of your faithful companion.

Sorry for your loss. Hang on to all those special helps ease the pain dealing with the loss of your friend. I hope Lad is romping around with my Roxie girl at the rainbow bridge.
Dan - Beth and I are real sorry to hear the sad news.
Dan, sorry for your loss. As a dog owner I know that losing your best friend can be hard.
The arrhythmia caused congestive heart failure, which is what finally killed him. Dogs are family. Huge condolences. If its any consolation, sounds like he had a really good run.
I think one of the most difficult things to do in life is to part with those that we love and love us. Animals are beings that are always there for us and Dan, you and your family were there for your dog. I am sorry for your loss. I know from personaly experience that losing a pet is devastating.
So sorry for your loss, Dan. Remember the 13 great years he had with you, and you with him.

"Life.... is a series of dogs" - G. Carlin
Condolences, Dan. I've been where you are too many times and each time it hurts like hell.
So sorry to hear about your friend. I hope you are able to find comfort in your countless good memories.

Many of us have been there, me included, and we definitely share your pain.

Dogs are better than people in so many ways.

It sounds like Lad had a owners who loved him very much indeed. Goodbye, Lad.
It is my belief we will meet up with all these fine animals again one day, and they will all be in perfect health, free of pain, enjoying whatever it is they loved to do here.

If that's the case (I hope it is), y'all be careful when you get to Heaven. When my Rosie gets there she's liable to dig straight through.

Dan, I'm very sorry for your loss, but, I'm glad you stayed with him till the end, nobody should die alone.

My wife is a vet tech and it's unbelievable to me how many owners want the animal put down after they leave, When they do this, she always stays with the animal till the end.

My Condolences,
We know how much it will hurt when we lose them, yet we take them into our lives anyway. That's because while we have them, they give us so much more than we eventually lose.
Dan, I'm very sorry for your loss, but, I'm glad you stayed with him till the end, nobody should die alone.

My wife is a vet tech and it's unbelievable to me how many owners want the animal put down after they leave, When they do this, she always stays with the animal till the end.

I'm ashamed to say I didn't want to be there when the Dr euthanized him. I didn't think I could be there when Lad was intentionally killed (if that makes sense).

But in the office they had a poster with the "Ten Commandments of Pet Ownership."

Number 10 was "All I have is you. Be with me in the good and the bad..."

Well, that did it. I had to be there.

I realized afterward it was my own selfish concern for my emotions over Lad's needs.

We learn a lot from dogs -- sometimes right up to the very end.
Sincere Condolences from our girls - Casey and Cayla - my wife, and me. If they lived any longer than they do, the sorrow from the death of our faithful companions would surely be terminal for us.
Labs are the best dogs in the world. True companions. I'm sorry, Dan.