It's baack! The Raptor 2.0


Oct 8, 2012
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Yes, folks, the Raptor is back. The black magic ducted fans will propel it to 300 knots on 10-11 GPH. It does VTOL too!

Range: California to Hawaii on 80 gallons of fuel. You don't need to watch all 34 minutes, the surprises miracles are revealed in the first 9.

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Peter seems to have entirely disappeared down his magical thinking rabbit hole.

Somehow his new fan produces 1500lbs of thrust from 90HP.

He thinks he will be able to make a VTOL aircraft.

He thinks he will be able to get Ford to build them for him, that they will cost $50k to make, will sell for $100K, and will sell 30K of them a year.

It will be self-flying and will fly directly from the factory to the buyer.
Does it also have a zero carbon footprint?
Does it also have a zero carbon footprint?

It enhances its power by sucking up CO2 from the air and burning that. So it's got a negative carbon footprint.

(I made that up. I don't have any idea whether Peter's that far gone or not.)
Maybe he should join forces with Bob Diemert.

What a crazy person. Instead of focusing on something that has a chance at succeeding, he just goes way beyond anything reasonable. Arghh.
Reminds me of the doodles of an airplane made by a 10 year old. Except the 10 year old has more self awareness that the doodles are pretend play.
Peter seems to have entirely disappeared down his magical thinking rabbit hole.

Somehow his new fan produces 1500lbs of thrust from 90HP.

He thinks he will be able to make a VTOL aircraft.

He thinks he will be able to get Ford to build them for him, that they will cost $50k to make, will sell for $100K, and will sell 30K of them a year.

It will be self-flying and will fly directly from the factory to the buyer.
I honestly thought you were exaggerating, but shockingly you weren’t even slightly stretching the truth. If anything, you did the opposite.
LOL the Pratt 615Fs on the Mustang that I fly generate 1460 lb of thrust and they're burning over 100 GPH doing that...

This is ridiculous
It shouldn't, but this kind of stuff p*&S me off a bit. There's a reason why they teach engineering students math and basic physics in the first year. The basic laws of motion and thermodynamics aren't suggestions. People who don't know that yes, 2+2 does equal 4 are tossing out terms like "creative" and "not believe in the rules", when they're too uneducated to know that aircraft require energy to get in the f(&Jg air, and the science around that is pretty well understood.

I'm having trouble believing that he's truly that uneducated, so my personal belief is that he's just a criminal. Or maybe he's had experience working for software developers, and is working on the assumption that lying about capabilities to the point of absurdity is OK in the aviation market.
90 hp = 1,500 lbs thrust..
I watched another couple minutes of the video until I got to the revelation the wingspan will be 17'4" and had to stop again. That's less than half the wingspan of a 172.

I'm thinking Peter should ditch the Raptor name and call this Our Lady of Guadalupe or something similar.

Then there's the other video about the thruster. Almost an hour of more SOLIDWORKS magic, Peter has advanced from aeronautical designer to propulsion guru. He claims his design is 3½ times more efficient than a propeller.

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Think about what happens if he gets it off the ground and the nose fan has a bad day...
What he described in that video will never get off the ground. At least not under its own power.
Not only has he ripped the engine off, placed "a couple" generators onboard, and chopped the wing in half (and placed the rest of on top for a biplane), he has also made the fuselage BIGGER. He claims it is now two inches taller and two inches wider. Can someone here give me a rough estimate of extra frontal area he's added?
Not only has he ripped the engine off, placed "a couple" generators onboard, and chopped the wing in half (and placed the rest of on top for a biplane), he has also made the fuselage BIGGER. He claims it is now two inches taller and two inches wider. Can someone here give me a rough estimate of extra frontal area he's added?
Thanks to Peter-physics, he claims the bump in size will have little effect on “wetted area”.

the reality is, for the front seat passengers, there will be less room in the new design as the landing gear that will now be between the seats is wider than 2”
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Thanks to Peter-physics, he claims the bump in size will have little effect on “wetted area”.
It's designed to be a lifting body, I'm sure.
Not only has he ripped the engine off, placed "a couple" generators onboard, and chopped the wing in half (and placed the rest of on top for a biplane), he has also made the fuselage BIGGER. He claims it is now two inches taller and two inches wider. Can someone here give me a rough estimate of extra frontal area he's added?

He claims he didn't change the aerodynamics by doing so.
My BS detector pegged itself less than 1:30 in. His “independent source” (apparently a cat or imaginary friend) verified that his magical thruster will produce 1500# thrust. OK, great. Is there ANYONE who would not have immediately run it up to a few thousand RPM to test that? I mean it’s not a big challenge. Hell, just run it at half speed and see if the claim makes any sense whatsoever. But no.

I think he’s either completely lost his marbles or has decided to move on to simply making a living by finding gullible suckers and taking their money. It’s moved from “impractical dream” to “utter nonsense”.
This guy is making impossible claims and you're surprised? Fool me once, shame on you...
How is he funding this? Are there really investors who buy this bs?
This seems to defy the laws of physics, like his other creation.

Is there a simple equation that relates power to thrust assuming 100% efficient power transfer? Seems like this could be quickly debunked mathematically.
Think about what happens if he gets it off the ground and the nose fan has a bad day...
I’m not sure it’s going to be able to taxi.
Maybe he should join forces with Bob Diemert.

I really enjoyed watching this documentary. The guy is as nutz as Peter, but did like the portion regarding the Zero he delivered to the CAF in Texas.
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Leaving aside that Peter is either stuck at the peak of the Dunning-Kruger curve or a pure con man, selling a pipe dream of a 180 hp, 4500 lb vehicle that can fly at all, much less take off vertically from Dearborn and fly itself to the hundreds of thousands of wealthy landed gentry who want to travel in such a thing, did anyone else catch that he has also received his WebMD certification?

Why pressurize the plane when you can just build in an oxygen concentrator to scrub nitrogen from outside air and feed it to anyone who is suffering from altitude sickness? More seriously, I think we have old threads on the subject, but at what altitude can an average person get enough oxygen out of a concentrator to remain functional?
Think about what happens if he gets it off the ground and the nose fan has a bad day...

Not a problem. Peter says he can adapt software currently written for drone applications to manage VTOL operations, and the pilot won't have to learn or perform the control inputs necessary for hovering, transitioning to takeoff, and landing.