Cleared for Takeoff
A draft bill in the Iowa Senate proposes to raise airplane registration fees by around 50%. The first year fee used to 1% of the manufacturers list price; under the proposal it goes to 1.5%. Top fee goes from $5000 to $7000. A new $500,000 aircraft fee used to be $5000, now it would be $7000. It seems your C182 will cap out the same way your Pilatus would. Aircraft over 30 years used to pay $35 a year, now they would pay $100. A new feature is 4.5% of the money would go for an extra fund for commercial airports, 1.5% would go to fund general aviation airports. This kitty is on top of anything the general assembly provides and doesn't need matching funds as the general assembly money does. Kind of a nice little extra discretional pot, eh?
Iowa Legislature - BillBook
Information pertaining to the Iowa Legislature as well as the Executive and Judicial branch in as much as they relate to the legislative branch