I guess I'm fast now


Cleared for Takeoff
Dec 7, 2018
Too far north
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Best thing I've heard ATC tell me to date. I had to fly to a city about 2 hours from where I live for business. Destination was a large (for Canada standards), class C airport. Prior to takeoff, I see a NOTAM saying that due to high volume, VFR traffic must remain outside of the class C until sometime in the middle of the night (I'm not currently night current) and use the "other" GA airport on the other side of town. Well, my car rental and hotel were both booked for the international airport so off I went with the plan to beg my way into class C. What's the worst that could have happened, they say no and I land at the GA airport, taking an Uber to the international airport. As soon as I got set up in cruise, I called up center and told them of my intentions. They said, NOTAM bla bla, but let me check with tower and see what they say. Two minutes later, center got back relaying tower's message saying the NOTAM doesn't apply to planes flying 160 kts or faster so I'm most welcome to enter their airspace. They must go by ground speed because I typically cruise at 150 - 160 MPH so I asked them what they see me moving at and they said 161 kts. My GPS ground speed on the Dynon showed just over 180 MPH so I guess it was close enough. I just said "roger" and continued on to my planned destination lol.
It's all relative - we've all heard the "Slowtation" jokes but flying the slowest of Citations, I have gotten used to being called out as a slow mover to the big jets...
My biggest 'claim to fame' in this realm is when we were flying the RV-7A into HPN ~15 years ago and tower asked me to slow down on base and to square off my turn to final, as I had a slower Cirrus in front of me. Of course my response was "OK. We'll slow down for the Cirrus."
My biggest 'claim to fame' in this realm is when we were flying the RV-7A into HPN ~15 years ago and tower asked me to slow down on base and to square off my turn to final, as I had a slower Cirrus in front of me. Of course my response was "OK. We'll slow down for the Cirrus."

I had to pull back the throttle on a Cessna 150 one time bc of a slower Cherokee. “Roger, we will slow this Cessna 150 down”. I think he was flying an approach at min approach speeds, and I used to fly that 150 max forward speed until short final. It was draggy enough to chop throttle and land.
My biggest 'claim to fame' in this realm is when we were flying the RV-7A into HPN ~15 years ago and tower asked me to slow down on base and to square off my turn to final, as I had a slower Cirrus in front of me. Of course my response was "OK. We'll slow down for the Cirrus."

Many years ago, I was flying my Cirrus into Teterboro and was asked to slow down for a Citation X (definitely NOT a slowtation). Hilarity ensued...

You have to listen to the end for the best part.
I’ve been on both ends of that conversation…I was taught years ago that it was an operational goal to have tower tell me to slow down for the DC-9 ahead.

On the other hand, with a new copilot flying an approach to a relatively short runway (she decided nice and stable would be best, Vref for the last five miles:eek:)
We had an AT-6 doing s-turns for spacing behind us. I had a friend working the tower on that one, so I got a little grief over it later on.
My biggest 'claim to fame' in this realm is when we were flying the RV-7A into HPN ~15 years ago and tower asked me to slow down on base and to square off my turn to final, as I had a slower Cirrus in front of me. Of course my response was "OK. We'll slow down for the Cirrus."

I've done the same, for a Southwest.
But, they are at vref of course and I was maneuvering to intercept.
At that same airport, I was on the receiving end for being too slow twice. First time in a Cessna 150. They made me go around on short final because a private jet behind me was closing in. They didn't think they can work me into their flow that night so they gave me a land and hold short clearance on the crosswind runway. Wasn't a big deal as the crosswind was only 6 knots. The next time, I went there with the Cherokee and was told to "keep up the speed" on final. My response was "as much as possible with 160 horses". A minute later, tower said "You're being eaten up by a Westjet behind you, go around". They worked me in fine on the second try though. But this time going there with the Comanche, they called me "fast" so I'm happy haha.
When ATC is discussing speeds they are talking indicated AS. If assigned they would expect you can hold 160 kIAS level.