How to Preflight your Cirrus (A Satire)


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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So we started with the landing, Moved on to the takeoff and now I think it is time to conclude with the preflight. This may not be exactly how the POH tells you to do the preflight check but the POH is for amateurs.

I have enough hours under my belt that I think I can show the proper way a real Cirrus pilot does a preflight before taking to the sky. Don't armchair quarterback this $h!t either. don't question my methods. This is a tried and true system that works for me every time.

I'm not sure if I enjoyed the "no step", "full of tubes", or "finishing my pre-flight from yesterday" the most.

Another first class contribution to aviation safety!
I started filming it in the morning and the line guy was just looking at me. It got uncomfortable so I stopped.
Lisa asked which of the bottles of water should be used to get those bugs off the leading edge. I said you need to keep the bugs when you use discount wing shops.
Yeah, I flew from DTO to Bourland at a pretty low altitude and picked up a lot of bugs.
It feels silly that they put that carpet and water bottles out.
that was great, loved it. the sump/pee/wing tapper jar was the best.
U should buy one of those fake turds and leave it on the carpet before u takeoff

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I'm going to steal one f those red carpets for you to keep in your hangar. I know you want one.

Great. Now we're gonna have a bunch of pilots here lusting after the red handle AND the red carpet. :cool:

If the Cirrus was such a great plane they would have already dispensed with the pee bottle and replaced it with one of those pre-flight tubes :D

But what about the pre-flight steps inside the cockpit? Will you please make a follow-up for that?
I thought you needed to blow the chute on preflight to make sure it works...???
You should do a "proper way to fuel a Cirrus" video. Talk to the line guy and tell him you're making a video and then just hand him the keys and say "fill er up please" or something like that.
You know, I love these videos but after spending some time on this board I am concerned that if there were ever a need to pull the red handle, someone here would submit them to the NTSB as evidence. After all, if it's on the Internet, it's true.
You know, I love these videos but after spending some time on this board I am concerned that if there were ever a need to pull the red handle, someone here would submit them to the NTSB as evidence. After all, if it's on the Internet, it's true.
I believe it would be the first ever NTSB report where they would just put a link to my YouTube with the comment "we're just going to leave this right here"
A correction, I think: where you said the OIL is kept in your engine is actually usually where the 710 is least in my plane. Look closely at your video and I think you'll agree.
Yeah, I flew from DTO to Bourland at a pretty low altitude and picked up a lot of bugs.
It feels silly that they put that carpet and water bottles out.
How often are they forgotten and blown across the tarmac?

The fake poop is a great idea too... or maybe some vomit.
Warning thread drift.

Hey, is that thing flying again???? Where's the rest of the cylinder/wrist pin story? You suck us in and leave us hanging. o_O
I thought 6PC decided to replace the wrist pin with a Tiger?? :confused:

These pre-flight videos are just a cheap marketing ploy to sell the Cirrus with an engine compartment filled with tubes where the wrist pin used to be.
one part of your video was wrong. I don't think you need both big pipes when checking the engine through the cowl opening. The second one is for redundancy, but like you mentioned, you have a 'chute.
What do you think the line guys are thinking when they see 6PC walking up ? do we let him fly or call FAA? lol.
What do you think the line guys are thinking when they see 6PC walking up ? do we let him fly or call FAA? lol.

"We thought backing a tug into the plane would keep him from flying but he sure is a persistent bastard"
Is that what your voice sounds like in real life?
I can't wait to come into money. Not really sure how that works... think I need a rich relative to kick the bucket or something first. (I should probably start by getting a rich relative.) Once I get some funds, I can stop worry about all this landing nonsense and just enjoy flying the plane like you get to do. Landings are really a poor pilot's problem these days. There are times when I'm so sleepy or just don't really feel like dealing with things like flaps, you know? A chute would be helpful.

Anyway, thanks for the instructional. It's really no use to me, so I'll probably push this to my flight school so they can use this for instruction with their red carpet students.

Happy flying!
"They tell you you wanna check the brakes on these like by looking at these dots but honestly, I'm just gonna say the plane's not moving."
I can't wait to come into money. Not really sure how that works... think I need a rich relative to kick the bucket or something first. (I should probably start by getting a rich relative.) Once I get some funds, I can stop worry about all this landing nonsense and just enjoy flying the plane like you get to do. Landings are really a poor pilot's problem these days. There are times when I'm so sleepy or just don't really feel like dealing with things like flaps, you know? A chute would be helpful.

Anyway, thanks for the instructional. It's really no use to me, so I'll probably push this to my flight school so they can use this for instruction with their red carpet students.

Happy flying!

Visit KDTO. They give red carpet treatment to almost everyone.
Even planes that "land" whatever that means. I saw a Comanche w/ a red carpet and bottles of water yesterday.
years ago our local FBO had a tug with a propensity to "slip" into gear.....and racked up several hundred thousand dollars in insurance claims and kill strikes....till one day a line guy was pinned between the tug and a rad-dome. It was soon sold after that. lol :D
The stutter on the static port seemed too nature to be satire lol