High AOA flights ever related to vac pump issues?

455 Bravo Uniform

Final Approach
Aug 18, 2015
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455 Bravo Uniform
I’m working on my commercial training. We’ve flown a couple hours doing various manner of stalls and slow flight. I have “one o’ dem canards” in a 182 so we end up with some “impressive” deck angles

The last flight, the vac pump low vac light flickered while on the ground taxiing back after the flight at low rpm. After today’s flight, vac stayed at 4 and light remained at all times during taxi. Roughly 400 hrs on the pump; maybe time? (I don’t know if vanes were inspected at last annual).

Question: Can the vac pump be negatively affected with oil piling-up inside the rear accessory case area? IO-470

Could high AOA oil immersion of the rear case also affect mag, fuel pump, and starter too?

Stupid question??
I’m working on my commercial training. We’ve flown a couple hours doing various manner of stalls and slow flight. I have “one o’ dem canards” in a 182 so we end up with some “impressive” deck angles

The last flight, the vac pump low vac light flickered while on the ground taxiing back after the flight at low rpm. After today’s flight, vac stayed at 4 and light remained at all times during taxi. Roughly 400 hrs on the pump; maybe time? (I don’t know if vanes were inspected at last annual).

Question: Can the vac pump be negatively affected with oil piling-up inside the rear accessory case area? IO-470

Could high AOA oil immersion of the rear case also affect mag, fuel pump, and starter too?

Stupid question??
Have you called these guys yet? I'd think they would know. https://www.katmai-kenai.com/
Have you called these guys yet? I'd think they would know. https://www.katmai-kenai.com/

I bug Todd enough (I call, email, and text him when I have questions). This is more about sustained high AOA flight in training, not routine short/soft field approaches in his planes - in those approaches the deck angle is almost neutral (I’ve never lost sight of the runway flying 55 kts on final and slightly backside of the power curve).
Can the vac pump be negatively affected with oil piling-up inside the rear accessory case area? IO-470
Not that I've heard or seen. Think of aerobatic engines. Perhaps there was some debris or water in your vacuum system that moved in those attitudes.
High AoA won't do that. More likely the vacuum regulator relief valve isn't seating, and that could be due to a crumbling filter on it. They're foam rubber and are often neglected. That debris can also go into the pump and do it no good.