Helicopter flight training?


Line Up and Wait
Mar 7, 2020
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I have always wanted to fly helicopters. I think now is the time to get started. Can anyone recommend a good place to go? I want to show up, learn it, and go home with a rotary wing license.
I'll be using Veracity Aviation in Pearland, TX since they're Part 141 and I can use GI Bill.
there's a helicopter school in Ormond Beach FL

I know nothing about them, other than I'm like you....I've always wanted to fly them...and I've seen the adds which caught my eye since it's almost not too far away from me
There's a school that'll train you in an R44, at Z98 (Ottawa Exec, Zeeland Mi.). I took .9 hour in the machine, for grins. It felt like drinking from a fire hose. The preflight checklist is a completely(!) filled 8 1/2 X 11 sheet. Was crazy expensive, over 1/2 an AMU just for that. [RC helis are a lot more affordable - and you can (and have to) be your own mechanic.]
The helicopter community is much smaller than the fixed wing community, and PoA seems to be in a similar position. I doubt you’ll get many, if any, school recommendations based on personal experience. I can’t help you with that either.

With that said, what are your plans (if any) to continue flying after you’ve earned the rating? Figuring that out might be a good first step then work backwards into finding a school.

My only other advice based on my personal (limited) experience is that I would be looking for the right instructor more than the school. Helicopter training is more demanding and I think it is higher risk than the typical fixed wing training so you’ll want an instructor with the experience and capabilities to match.
I doubt you’ll get many, if any, school recommendations based on personal experience

There's already been one in this thread by someone who recently got their defying of physics certificate.
There’s this little place in Ft. Rucker, AL. It only trains about 80% of the world’s helicopter pilots. :heli:

Cool. Get them to change their age limits and I'll check it out.
I'll be using Veracity Aviation in Pearland, TX since they're Part 141 and I can use GI Bill.
Didn't thing the GI Bill will pay for an initial certificate unless it was part of a college degree program.
Correct. I'm using it for a commercial add-on.
Also, I think there’s a couple versions... Montgomery and post 911. One will, one won’t.
This is a popular one. Really is boils down to your location though. Personally, unless you’re using GI Bill for a 141 school, just pick what’s closest and go with them.
