Hauling Checks

Jim K

Final Approach
PoA Supporter
Mar 31, 2019
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Richard Digits
Got several aviation books for Christmas. Started with this one as I thought it ephod be the most fun. Got 2 chapters in and couldn't take any more. Skipped around a bit and it didn't get any better. The stories are so over the top that I can't suspend my disbelief far enough to be entertained by it. For what it's worth, I don't like marvel movies either, so maybe it's me.

I'll try to bring it to the next poa gathering and pass it along.
I thought it was pretty funny. Most of the things I could not imagine anyone being able to get away with today, but I could see it in the 70s or 80s. Obviously not to the extent described in the book, but it’s a comedy, not historical drama.
His CFI book is also a good one. Especially as an audio book
I thought it was pretty funny. Most of the things I could not imagine anyone being able to get away with today, but I could see it in the 70s or 80s. Obviously not to the extent described in the book, but it’s a comedy, not historical drama.
Oh I can believe the maintenance side of it, even some of the sillier parts. What turned me off was the outlandish characters and the vulgar descriptions of them. I can only take so much of some guy drinking and puking and ****ing in the pool, or the other guy crapping his pants. It all seemed very juvenile to me.
I thought it was pretty funny. Most of the things I could not imagine anyone being able to get away with today, but I could see it in the 70s or 80s. Obviously not to the extent described in the book, but it’s a comedy, not historical drama.

Haven't read it and don't plan to. However I've known a lot of the old school night freight and check hauling guys over the years. Their stories can be hard to believe.

And realize the check runs just ended about 10 years ago. Those guys were still flying non-GPS clapped out 210s in some of the worst weather the upper Midwest could dish out, and they did it everyday.
Back in the day I worked a lot of of those check guys doing surveillance approaches to a local airport of ours. Man they’d show up during crappy weather. Not saying they went below MDA but somehow they always got in. ;)
I lived it. Don't need to read it. Upper Midwest weather was a treat when you are expected to go and to make it. One winter was enough.