Good Movies


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Castle Rock, CO
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Everything Offends Me
Ok, so lets say I wanted to rent a really good movie. Lets also assume I could rent a movie that is currently in theaters.....

What do y'all suggest? I'm looking for a good Comedy, even low brow if its funny enough.

Blazing Saddles always cracks me up. It doesn't get much more low brow then that. lol
The Producers. The original one with Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder.
The Producers. The original one with Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder.

Absolutely. I have it memorized.

Also "The President's Analyst" if you're going to go for a great oldie.
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First thought was the Will Ferrell / John C. Reilly Step Brothers movie. Haven't seen it yet.

You'll love Tropic Thunder if you haven't seen it.

Both excellent movies!

The wife and I just saw I Love You, Man. Great flick! It's a little cheezy, and it's actually kind of a romantic comedy, but the combination of Paul Rudd and Jason Segel is excellent; add Jon Favreau, Andy Samberg, and Lou Ferrigno for's well worth a watch!
If you have never seen "One, Two, Three," with James Cagney (and few have seen it...), you must find a way. It is a hoot.,_Two,_Three

See, also, "The In Laws," Peter Falk and Alan Arkin. Oh My God funny.
Wow, so far, I've seen every movie mentioned. LOL. That never happens, since I don't watch many (and yes, Spike, I've even seen One, Two, Three).

Keep up the suggestions, I'm bound to find something...
See, also, "The In Laws," Peter Falk and Alan Arkin. Oh My God funny.

One of the best. I saw it in the theater with my girlfriend (now wife) - she said she was embarrassed because I was laughing so much... (for some reason, she married me anyhow)
Wow, so far, I've seen every movie mentioned. LOL. That never happens, since I don't watch many (and yes, Spike, I've even seen One, Two, Three).

Keep up the suggestions, I'm bound to find something...
Agghhhh - should have finished reading the thread before posting.

How about the original Pink Panther?

On Hulu:

Cheech and Chong's Next Movie - doesn't get any more low-brow than that.

The not lowbrow:

The Bishops Wife ("The Preachers Wife" is a remake)
Ok, so lets say I wanted to rent a really good movie. Lets also assume I could rent a movie that is currently in theaters.....

What do y'all suggest? I'm looking for a good Comedy, even low brow if its funny enough.

'The Gods Must Be Crazy' cracked me up the first time I saw it. The second time, though it wasn't funny at all.
How about " No Time for Sergeants". A great movie with Andy Griffith. One of the best ever.

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

Not new, but good.
Just about any Kevin Smith movie makes me laugh. Silent Bob kinda reminds me of Nick too! ;)

But what about 40 Year Old Virgin?

Or maybe even Prince's Purple Rain. That was hilarious but I don't think he meant it to be so. ;)

BTW No Time for Sergeants....classic!
Another of my favorite classic comedies is Operation Petticoat with Tony Curtis and Cary Grant.

Yes Man

The Day The Earth Stood Still

Remember the toilet seats standing at attention?

Yes, and a lot of the time when when I "hire" a new inmate porter, I tell him he's got a title now, PLO! (Permanent Latrine Orderly)

None of 'em ever get it, Apparently not a movie that your average crackhead, drug dealing, murderous miscreant has ever seen.

Well, it wasn't a comedy, but I rented "Valkyrie" and I gotta say, that was an outstanding movie. I strongly recommend it to everyone.
Just comedies?

I would have to look at the collection for more but these are at off the top of my head....

The Producers The original
Young Frankenstein
History of the world part One
This is Spinal Tap
Mid Summer Night's Dream
Twelfth Night
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (this is pretty low brow but it is an ensemble)
40 year old virgin
Knocked up
I REALLY want to see "I love you man".

The above comedians are a great team.
Talking about Keanu Reeves Comedies, how about "Point Break" :D
I vote for "A Fish Called Wanda", or "Baby's Day Out" (which almost made me pee myself).
If you like comedy:
Hot Fuzz

Submarine command
Operation Tokyo

If you have a teenage daughter that is approaching dating age:
The last house on the left

Thats more like a training documentary for the parents if her date goes the wrong way though.
40 year old virgin
Knocked up
I REALLY want to see "I love you man".

The above comedians are a great team.

Knocked Up came on the TV in the background and I had to see what it was and set a TiVo recording for it. I was sure it was a Kevin Smith movie. Nope. Jake Aptow.

It's not like I'm in tune with what the kids are watching these days. :D
Strategic Air Command was on TCM yesterday. Nice footage of the B-36, B-47, KC-97 and others. I'd forgotten how good the camera work on the in-flight footage was.

Trapper John
Das Boot. The uncut version. Yes, all six hours of it.

Strategic Air Command was on TCM yesterday. Nice footage of the B-36, B-47, KC-97 and others. I'd forgotten how good the camera work on the in-flight footage was.

Trapper John

That's a good one from the glory days of SAC.

Twelve O'Clock High is probably the classic Air Force movie (and an excellent study in combat stress)

Objective, Burma! is a remarkably realistic film from WW2.

Fail Safe is very good.