Garmin G5 and STEC-30 heading bug discrepancy


Pattern Altitude
Dec 14, 2011
Kent, UK
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I have G5 AI and HSI, and an STEC-30.

When in heading mode, the autopilot flies exactly 4 degrees right of whatever heading is selected, which is irritating.

Does anyone know if there's an easy fix for this, such as an adjustment in the G5 settings?
Is the software current? It has a magnetic variance database that needs to be updated every 5 years.
Is it a different heading or is it offset? There's a centering adjustment in the STEC unit. Mine used to be a bit to the right of the magenta line, but following the same heading. Adjusting the centering fixed it.
The software is up to date.

Hang 4, it's the same offset all the time. I think what you mention could be the solution. Do you recall how the adjustment was done?
Under the lower right hand attachment screw is a potentiometer screw. Need a long small screwdriver to adjust. Easiest is to do it in flight following a GPS heading or a VOR. I got mine from 1/2 dot to the right to directly on the magenta line.
BTW it's irritating, but a nothing burger for the navigation you are doing.
GPPS? As I recall, my Garmin 430 had a capability to do a parallel track on the course line.