Fuel at $10, how much will you fly?


Line Up and Wait
Mar 7, 2020
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How much everyone will fly when fuel hits $10/ gallon. Oil will probably be (up) $6 a quart too!
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The ratio to car gas and airline tickets will be the same, so I don't expect to make any changes. The problem isn't so much that the price of fuel is going up as the value of the dollar is going down. My income is based on selling a commodity in those same declining dollars, so I expect to keep up with inflation. I feel bad for those dupes who thought $15/ hour was going to improve their lives.

Oh wait, no I don't. I do feel bad though for people with normal jobs who will have to argue with their bosses to get raises as inflation eats them up from the other side.
Probably won't change my plans, but the pessimist in me wonders if this is what burst the plane price bubble.
Don’t you mean optimist?

I will fly until I’m out of budget. Last year I averaged $186/hr. I did spend quite some time in expensive rentals. So if gas went to 10 today, I’d end up flying about the same as I did last year, just in cheaper products.
I run auto fuel in my 2 planes right now so $10 fuel would make 100LL probably $12+. I know I would fly my smaller plane more with those prices. Hmmmmm oil has been $6 a quart for years here……….
It won't change anything for me, but I'm flying pretty cheaply and there's a good amount of wiggle room in the flying budget.

(just don't tell my flying club that!)
It’s only money and interest rates are still inexpensive. The debt will be minimized in no time due to current rates of inflation.
It’s almost $7 at my home field, so it’s impacting me. I also have a boat and non-ethanol is close to $5 around here so quite frankly I’d rather spend what discretionary gas money I have going out on the water than flying.
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Still a minor cost compared to the cost of ownership. Annuals, maintenance, upgrades. Fuel cost doesnt really approach the amount we spend on these things.
$10 / gal will hurt, but I don’t see slowing down my flying.

it will be interesting too see what impacts do come from higher fuel prices. Will the crazy aircraft prices come backdown?
It’s only money and interest rates are still inexpensive. The debt will be minimized in no time due to current rates of inflation.
So take out a home loan and use the money to buy a tanker of 100LL?
My answer might not be fair because I don't have an airplane anymore.

However, if I was still had my airplane, doubling the price of 100LL (or equivalent) wouldn't have reduced my flying (although I never flew lots and lots).
Purchase fuel option like the big airlines do and lock your price in! (Or you can buy a big tank and fill it up at today’s price and avoid the coming 10 fold increase). 100LL has a decent shelf life.
Won't affect me. I'm going to get my SPL, then PPL as soon as possible.

During the halcyon years of the Trump administration, I loaded up on cheap share of an energy ETF and cheap shares of a gold mining ETF. now hose hedges are paying off handsomely. The shares were up 26 and 13%, respectively last month.
Won't affect me. I'm going to get my SPL, then PPL as soon as possible.

During the halcyon years of the Trump administration, I loaded up on cheap share of an energy ETF and cheap shares of a gold mining ETF. now hose hedges are paying off handsomely. The shares were up 26 and 13%, respectively last month.

I hope they don’t crash n burn………
Today fuel is $5.00 (JetA) $5.20 (100LL) $4.50 (Ethanol free 91). So basically doubling the price of fuel is a big deal if you burn a lot of it...

I burn 3.67 to 4.25 gallons an hour at cruise*, it's not nothing-- $16.50 to $19.125 an hour. But it won't really have the impact that it will on some.

* If I want to get somewhere. If not, I can "loiter" at under 3 gph.
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I will continue to fly my IO-470 powered plane regardless of $5, $7, or $10 avgas. I bought it to take my family places and have memories. Those are priceless. Now of we're talking $20/gal those memories might be more ...limited.
I doubt it will change my flying. We travel and I fly Angel Flight missions. The cost of driving will go up and so will airline tickets. So, not much sense in switching to another mode of transportation.

If I still bothered to fly (haven't even been in a small plane since COVID) and flew as much as when I owned the Skyhawk, that would cost me just under ten grand a year. I have no other bad habits, so I'd still do it.
You could always get the mogas STC and...oh wait. Never mind.
Wont affect me much. Im locked in a M20D Mooney rental for $145/hr wet since November.
KCGF is at $6.95 for 100LL.
My Cherokee gets better MPG than my F350 and Diesel is the same price as 100ll at my local air drome.
.595 as much as I do now?
It's Pi Day so I needed to come up with an answer that is mathematistical.
My airport has had its fuel price at $4.50 for a decade. Has never changed. I think this is going to change that. However, currently still at $4.50.
My airport has had its fuel price at $4.50 for a decade. Has never changed. I think this is going to change that. However, currently still at $4.50.

Plot twist: It's the same fuel that they put in there a decade ago, so it's still the same price. :eek::D
Gas is the smallest amount in my aviation budget. Gas prices could double, and it still would be the smallest thing. It won't change my flying at all.
I burn about 1200 gallons per year. $2 more per gallon is about the same as what my insurance costs for the year.
I just did 3.5 hour flight on 23gallons, not too shabby. Oh crap $10/gallon, that’s $230?!? I’m on a contracted rate with Signature for $5.17/gallon, no idea if that’s for the year or what, full service and they come to the hangar. I wonder if that applies to other Signature locations? I know self serve was cheaper but I didn’t want to bother with that in the winter (shutting down and starting up again).
Compared to avionics, parts, paint, ratings & insurance. I've got a loooong way to go before gas starts to become a dent in my airplane budget.