For the first time in 35 years...


Oct 19, 2016
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Dana wife finally consented to go flying with me. We had a number of flying "adventures" in my T-Craft in our twenties that left her with no desire to fly with me again (stupid twentysomething that I was), and then I had a string of single seat aircraft. But today, we flew the Hatz from Chester (SNC) to Goodspeed (42B), a 10 minute flight, and walked to the nearby restaurant for dinner overlooking the river before flying back home. She even said she'd do it again! :happydance: Sadly no pictures, the camera battery died.
What a nice story…well done..
Without pics I'm skeptical.

Ok not really. Congrats on hopefully a new flying partner
I’m with Tarheel!

Bravo! That’s perseverance, and it’s seems to have paid off.
You own a camera?

would you mind sharing the stories that resulted in your wife not trusting you for 35 years? Those sound juicy.

Well, as I said, most were twentysomething foolishness... doing spins I her first ever flight in a small plane in a borrowed 150... emergency landing on a Hudson River pier on Easter Sunday... NJ to Ohio in a T-Craft to camp out on the hottest day of the year... a flight to Old Rhinebeck before she knew she was pregnant, puking all over, landing in some random farm field to attempt to clean up... no doubt other things I've forgotten or shouldn't admit online... just the usual stuff. :confused:
A W E S O M E!! That woman rocks! I’d say a keeper, but apparently more like a kept’er! Good work.
Question is, did she know that you were going to blab it all over the internet?
Well, as I said, most were twentysomething foolishness... doing spins I her first ever flight in a small plane in a borrowed 150... emergency landing on a Hudson River pier on Easter Sunday... NJ to Ohio in a T-Craft to camp out on the hottest day of the year... a flight to Old Rhinebeck before she knew she was pregnant, puking all over, landing in some random farm field to attempt to clean up... no doubt other things I've forgotten or shouldn't admit online... just the usual stuff. :confused:

I can't say I blame her for waiting 35 years...that's an impressive collection of cautionary tales.