Flying in France


Mar 8, 2011
Twin Cities
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Brad Koehn
My wife and I are private pilots. We’re headed to France in late September, spending about a week in Paris and about a week in Bordeaux. We’d love to do some flying while we’re there, probably just a local flight to see the sights, with a CFI in the right seat. I’ve spotted a few flying clubs in those areas, but was wondering if anyone here has recommendations where we could experience France from a few thousand feet AGL.

Also if you have a recommendation for a favorite activity in Paris and Bordeaux, please feel encouraged to share. We’ve been to Paris a few times (in the previous century), but Bordeaux is new to us.
Saw a flying club/airport out by Versailles when we were there last fall. Didn't look into it very much, but it looked active from a glance over.
If you haven't gone to Normandy, I'd put that high on the list. Everyone should see it - even more so if you are an American.

Other stuff in Paris: Catacombs are cool/different, museums till you are blue in the face, a night boat ride on the river is touristy but pretty cool, especially if you time it to see the light show on the tower.

If you go flying, I'd love to hear a PIREP. I sometimes get 2 day layovers in Paris and would love to mix it up with a flight sometime.
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