Flying a DA40NG over Icelandic Volcano

David Loftus

Pre-takeoff checklist
Jan 1, 2021
Johns Creek, GA
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I've seen a few threads on PoA that mention you can't rent private aircraft in Iceland. Not true. We visit my wife's family in Iceland every couple of years and I've been fortunate to rent C172's several times on past trips. I've flown all around the western half of Iceland including the Northwest Fjords, Hekkla and Snaefellsness volcanos, lots of waterfalls, etc. The flying school I usually use merged with another and upgraded their equipment to Diamonds. So I was fortunate a couple years ago to get my hands on a DA40NG to fly over the Fagraldalsfjall Volcano south of Reykjavik when it was active. Didn't have my external GoPro and mount so had to shoot by hand. Hope you enjoy with a bit of Icelandic music as well.
