Flight review ground portion online?


Oct 19, 2016
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I'm ready for my flight review and the CFI suggested I do the ground portion online. I see there are several paid options (Sportys, Gliem, etc.), at least one free option, and the FAA's own WINGS course ALC-25: Flight Review Prep Guide. What's not clear if that one FAA course is sufficient, because elsewhere I see mention of three WINGS credit being required. Anybody know about the various options?
I did the FAAST ground portion for my last flight review. My CFI was thankful that I did but we still did a ground review which I welcomed.

Some CFI's may take the certificate given to cover the ground portion but others may not. I very much enjoyed my last flight review. Have fun!
I'm ready for my flight review and the CFI suggested I do the ground portion online. I see there are several paid options (Sportys, Gliem, etc.), at least one free option, and the FAA's own WINGS course ALC-25: Flight Review Prep Guide. What's not clear if that one FAA course is sufficient, because elsewhere I see mention of three WINGS credit being required. Anybody know about the various options?

That course does not in itself count as the ground portion of the flight review. From the course description:

“Completing this course in advance of your scheduled flight review will allow you and your instructor to use your ground time more efficiently. ”

Meaning, it’s basically just prep for the actual ground portion.

The Sporty’s course provides a certificate signed by one of their CFIs to serve in lieu of the ground portion. Some of my clients choose to do that, some want me to do it, either is fine as I think the course is a decent review.

I am not sure about the Gleim course. You’d have to look into it further.
As a CFI, I would be reluctant to sign off on just the flight portion as a Flight Review because AC61-65H has the verbiage:

"I certify that [First name, MI, Last name], [grade of pilot certificate], [certificate number], has satisfactorily completed a flight review of § 61.56(a) on [date]."

I can't sign and attest to that without having done both the flight and ground parts of the Flight Review. I had my AGI before my CFI which did let me do the ground portion of the flight review and if I knew the person doing the flight portion and we did them the same day in the same flight school, that might work, but it'd be an unusual situation.

From the pilot's perspective, they will likely be better off with a standard 61-65H statement in their logbook if it is ever questioned.
As a CFI, I would be reluctant to sign off on just the flight portion as a Flight Review because AC61-65H has the verbiage:

"I certify that [First name, MI, Last name], [grade of pilot certificate], [certificate number], has satisfactorily completed a flight review of § 61.56(a) on [date]."

I can't sign and attest to that without having done both the flight and ground parts of the Flight Review. I had my AGI before my CFI which did let me do the ground portion of the flight review and if I knew the person doing the flight portion and we did them the same day in the same flight school, that might work, but it'd be an unusual situation.

From the pilot's perspective, they will likely be better off with a standard 61-65H statement in their logbook if it is ever questioned.

I have no such concerns. You're attesting that they completed the flight review on this date. If they completed the ground portion last week with Sporty's and the flight portion with you today, then they completed the flight review today.

Or if you like, you can change the wording to reflect that. The AC just has suggested wording, after all. I might write "completed the flight portion of the flight review on [date]. Ground portion completed via Sporty's course on [date]". Or if it's a pre-printed endorsement I'll add the "Ground portion completed via Sporty's on [date]" or similar wording. No big deal. You sign off what you did, if that's just the flight portion, then just sign that off.
As a CFI, I would be reluctant to sign off on just the flight portion as a Flight Review because AC61-65H has the verbiage:

"I certify that [First name, MI, Last name], [grade of pilot certificate], [certificate number], has satisfactorily completed a flight review of § 61.56(a) on [date]."

I can't sign and attest to that without having done both the flight and ground parts of the Flight Review. I had my AGI before my CFI which did let me do the ground portion of the flight review and if I knew the person doing the flight portion and we did them the same day in the same flight school, that might work, but it'd be an unusual situation.

From the pilot's perspective, they will likely be better off with a standard 61-65H statement in their logbook if it is ever questioned.
BTDT. I see nothing to question have no problem with it from either an instructor or pilot perspective. I've done separate ground and flight endorsements and had it done for me. I'm actually surprised more flight schools, especially in slow times, use a group flight review ground as a marketing tool.

I've also done flight reviews for CFIs where ground is not a requirement. Then, of course there's Wings where a flight review can be a combination of 6 or more separate endorsements, with the only flight review evidence coming from the FAA.
I have no such concerns. You're attesting that they completed the flight review on this date. If they completed the ground portion last week with Sporty's and the flight portion with you today, then they completed the flight review today.

Or if you like, you can change the wording to reflect that. The AC just has suggested wording, after all. I might write "completed the flight portion of the flight review on [date]. Ground portion completed via Sporty's course on [date]". Or if it's a pre-printed endorsement I'll add the "Ground portion completed via Sporty's on [date]" or similar wording. No big deal. You sign off what you did, if that's just the flight portion, then just sign that off.
Did you copy my endorsement? :D
A signature from an authorized instructor (can be a ground instructor) stating they completed the 1 hour ground training meets the requirements of 61.56.

Each person must document and record the training time and aeronautical experience used to meet the requirements for a certificate, rating, or a flight review. That goes for both the the CFI making the flight review endorsement and the pilot.
FWIW, I did the free course from Pilot Proficient last night. It was pretty good, and you get a certificate from their CFI saying you've completed the ground portion. Pro tip: you can watch the course videos at 2X speed to save time, the narrator talks real slow.

Got the flight portion scheduled for Wednesday.
FWIW, I did the free course from Pilot Proficient last night. It was pretty good, and you get a certificate from their CFI saying you've completed the ground portion. Pro tip: you can watch the course videos at 2X speed to save time, the narrator talks real slow.

Got the flight portion scheduled for Wednesday.

I used them for my RVSM training - it was way, way cheaper than the other options (like King). It was $39 compared to (I forget exactly) $150 - 200? Something like that. And as far as I know, covered all the required material.
I used the faast course then did ground with an instructor .