Do pickles go bad?

Charlie Golf

Sep 6, 2020
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Yes, my name is Charlie.
I have a half full jar of Vlasic kosher dill pickles in the fridge and it says "best if used by June 8, 2020"

Can these things really go bad? I mean they're pickled, right?

And if I eat them and get sick do I need to list it on my next medexpress?

This day is already getting complicated.
You won't get sick, but depending on just how the brine is constructed they can loose their crispness.
So my pickle experience may be slightly downgraded. I think I can live with that.
Pickles are saturated with salt and vinegar, both of which are antibacterial. If they've been in the fridge, I see no problem.

But I'm not the one eating them.:)

Eman1200 must have awfully tender tastebuds. The best pickles are done with lots of hot peppers and garlic. Or pickled jalapeños. Or candied pickled jalapeños. Yum.
Eman1200 must have awfully tender tastebuds.

He reported that he has Covid. If it causes him to lose his sense of taste he might enjoy a pickle or two. Good pickles are very good but some can be nasty.
no pickles for me, nah ah no thank you. before I left jersey I met one of my old college roommates at a local favorite steakhouse (Arthur's in Morristown NJ) which is famous for, uh, well steaks, but also for the bowl of pickles they start you out with. he said how if I was ever going to try a pickle, these were the ones to try. after some convincing I gave in and took a bite and almost immediately hurled it up. sooo nasty. the only thing worse than eating a pickle is unknowingly biting into a pickle that doesn't belong on whatever food you're eating in the first place. pickles are effing nasty, bleck.
no pickles for me, nah ah no thank you. before I left jersey I met one of my old college roommates at a local favorite steakhouse (Arthur's in Morristown NJ) which is famous for, uh, well steaks, but also for the bowl of pickles they start you out with. he said how if I was ever going to try a pickle, these were the ones to try. after some convincing I gave in and took a bite and almost immediately hurled it up. sooo nasty. the only thing worse than eating a pickle is unknowingly biting into a pickle that doesn't belong on whatever food you're eating in the first place. pickles are effing nasty, bleck.
Ooh, I sense an opportunity to slip coleslaw into the discussion.

Or maybe In-n-Out vs Shake Shack because one uses relish in their sauce and the other doesn't.
Ooh, I sense an opportunity to slip coleslaw into the discussion.

Or maybe In-n-Out vs Shake Shack because one uses relish in their sauce and the other doesn't.

the funny thing is, at Arthur's Steakhouse they actually bring out TWO of pickles and the other of cole slaw. but for some reason I left the cole slaw out, which is a very rare slip up of mine. I won't let that happen again!
no pickles for me, nah ah no thank you. before I left jersey I met one of my old college roommates at a local favorite steakhouse (Arthur's in Morristown NJ)…

Morris Plains, actually. I’ve only been there twice, but they seem to have throngs of regulars.
Morris Plains, actually. I’ve only been there twice, but they seem to have throngs of regulars.

I totally misread that as "thongs" and immediately started thinking about Hooters. Then I remembered why thongs aren't (or at least shouldn't be) manufactured in sizes larger than "medium" and that caused me to quit thinking about Hooters.
Being a Bread and Butter kinda guy I am not usually a dill pickle fan but been getting the Trader Joes dill pickles and am in love with those...they don't last around long enough to know if they go bad or not...
My whole life I've sounded a bit like eman on the topic of pickles....except I have enjoyed most of the pickled okra that I've tried. Never was able to splain that one. ( I guess the other exception is a wee bit of sweet relish on hot dogs or mixed into tuna salad). Otherwise...dill pickled anything..... eman my man, I have always been with you on that one...

My son is the same way about pickles (except I doubt he's ever tried okra, so perhaps not n that odd twist)
The last couple years ago I have tried and kinda sorta almost enjoyed a dill pickle on the side of a sub sandwich from time to time. Age is doing weird things....

Anyway, I have always liked Chic Fil a. I heard a nasty rumor about their recipe....I won't tell it in case you are a chic fil a fan....
I don't comprehend how/why someone would willingly take a perfectly good cucumber, let it rot in vinegar and brine for an eternity, then take it out and ruin my damn burgers with it.

Once eagerly took a huge bite of potato salad at a great BBQ place, and legitimately almost hurled all over the table when I tasted nothing but dill and blegh.
I know that there is a good eman college pickle joke in there, just waiting to be told, but I just got banned last week, and trying to not make it 2 weeks in a row.
I don't comprehend how/why someone would willingly take a perfectly good cucumber, let it rot in vinegar and brine for an eternity, then take it out and ruin my damn burgers with it.

Once eagerly took a huge bite of potato salad at a great BBQ place, and legitimately almost hurled all over the table when I tasted nothing but dill and blegh.

My guess is that pickles came about from the first people that started growing domesticated cucumbers. They quickly realized just how prolific cucumber plants can be and were overwhelmed and were looking for new ways to deal with their never ending harvest - "We can't just throw them away - we WANTED to grow cucumbers after all!". They probably read up about what the Germans were doing with kraut and thought "Hmmm.. Maybe we can do something like that.." After several nasty bouts with botulism, they figured out how to make them so sour that even germs wouldn't grow on 'em. And thus we have pickles.

I say that because... We have tried about half a dozen different pickle recipes this year, trying to consume our never-ending cucumber harvest and that feels like a legit scenario.
Yup.....the one about hiding the Christmas pickle?
I know that there is a good eman college pickle joke in there, just waiting to be told, but I just got banned last week, and trying to not make it 2 weeks in a row.
I know that there is a good eman college pickle joke in there, just waiting to be told, but I just got banned last week, and trying to not make it 2 weeks in a row.

Careful, you might be brushing up against the don't talk about bans ban which could get you banned again!
True college pickle story. I worked with a guy in SF who recounted a hospital visit b/c at a frat party in Oregon, while relieving himself out a window, the old window slammed down. Story of his slamming his pickle in a window spread like wildfire across campus and henceforth he was always referred to as "that guy who...". The way he told the story was pretty funny but I thought he might be exaggerating. About 10 years later, on the other side of the country, I attended a wedding in Boston where the bride was an Oregon alumnus and there was a table of schoolmates. I barely started to recounting the story for them when they said, "OMG, you know Sean" thereby confirming the veracity of the tale.
My current pickle consumption is about a jar of gherkins a week.
this pickup line does NOT work:

I'll give you a nickel if you tickle my pickle
this pickup line does NOT work:

I'll give you a nickel if you tickle my pickle

How about...
I'll give you a dollar if you wear this collar.


I'll give you a, nevermid....
Yes, pickles go bad....
