Digital logbook recommendations?


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Dec 8, 2023
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I need a logbook, and am starting to think that an iPad app makes more sense than carrying around a physical book.

Any suggestions for something that integrates with FlightSchedule, ForeFlight, etc.? Any reviews of products that are best avoided?

Thanks in advance.
All foreflight subscriptions come with one, but I would keep a backup. You never know…

I’ve done a personal audit of my foreflight logs and one mistake I’ve done a few times was simulator flight instead of simulated (hooded).
I use an Excel spreadsheet backed up to the cloud with my regular backups. Here's a template:

It's got other goodies in it too.

I still keep a paper logbook for signatures and such, but the spreadsheet is primary and I simply copy the spreadsheet entries and sums into the paper log.
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^^ that. I use Google Sheets for my logbook now, which makes answering all of the random insufferable insurance total-of questions a snap.

I once held the illusion that I would backfill to my paper logbook, but.. yeah that dream died about 500 hours ago. I have a small "demo logbook" now to store flight review and other signoffs in.
I'm very happy with foreflight making automatic drafts that I approve into their integrated logbook. I occasionally export to a spreadsheet as a backup.

Like @schmookeeg I suffered the illusion that I would eventually backfill paper logs, but I ended up just making a master entry for everything on paper and keeping the paper logs somewhere safe in the unlikely event I ever need them. Turns out that's less work. :D
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Google sheets.
Free. You own it without the need for a subscription. 100% set up the way it works for you.
I use SafeLog Pro. Mainly because I used to use AeroLog and they were able to translate all my previous entries to be imported. But I like it.
Backups Backups Backups. I maintained both a spreadsheet and physical logbooks and backed up the Excel sheets and copied the physical logbook pages. Got into that habit after my CFI lost his logbooks with no copied or digital copies. Overkill? I've been accused of that but I think of it as being prepared.
Excel. I setup a spreadsheet a long time ago and have built formulas over the years that get the data I need
Excel. I setup a spreadsheet a long time ago and have built formulas over the years that get the data I need
Great for backup. I wrote my own back in the days of DOS. But not quite as good for primary which is what the OP sounds like he’s looking for.
I use Foreflights Logbook. Easy to use. It's always with me. I can access it from anywhere I can access firelight (phone, desktop, iPads, etc...) I'll export a backup every now and then. I still fill in the paper logbook. Redundant? Yes. It has all my endorsements in it though.
Great for backup. I wrote my own back in the days of DOS. But not quite as good for primary which is what the OP sounds like he’s looking for.
I disagree. I use excel as my primary and have been very happy. There are other option’s out there. I really haven’t found changing worth the pain.
How do you handle endorsements with a digital logbook?
How do you handle endorsements with a digital logbook?
Electronic/digital signatures. Live and remote. All the digital logbooks have it (if they don’t it’s just a spreadsheet). Foreflight, LogTen, MyFlightBook, etc…. Just like IACRA itself. Plenty of information on FAA acceptability of electronic signatures. I signed off on a private checkride several weeks ago (My first in decades!) All digital. Not a single scrap of paper.
Backups Backups Backups. I maintained both a spreadsheet and physical logbooks and backed up the Excel sheets and copied the physical logbook pages. Got into that habit after my CFI lost his logbooks with no copied or digital copies. Overkill? I've been accused of that but I think of it as being prepared.

and when you think you have enough backups, make backups that are not on site. And CURRENT. A year old backup is not worth much.

I misplaced my first log book. And I lost my big one, with lots of entries in a crash.

I did have a digital logbook, but had not updated it from my physical logbook in about 2 years.
I use my flight book ,I usually download and print a copy to paper. I also usually give a donation to help support the app.