Destination: Auto Museum Near Ft Wayne, IN


Pattern Altitude
Sep 20, 2013
Columbus, OH
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Ever heard of a Duesenberg with a Lycoming 8 cylinder engine? I hadn't and wasn't familiar with the brand until today.

Flew into Auburn, IN (KGWB) about 20 nms north of KFWA today. Very nice FBO with a crew car that seemed to be running on 3 out of 4 cylinders but beggars can't be choosers. Into town for lunch and a stop at the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile museum. Some impressive restored specimens in there. We covered only 2 of the 3 floors while there. And yes, that's Amelia - apparently she drove one at some point.
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Amelia looks a little thin. I would say she needs to eat, but that isn't very PC of me.
Worth the trip IME. Like the Armstrong Air & Space Museum in Wapakoneta, both are hidden gems and worth checking out.
Thanks for posting Greg. I have been to the Armstrong museum. I had heard of the Duesenberg museum but never been there. I will get over there soon.
That museum is great, there are more museums featuring some of the Berris (SP) designed cars just south of there along with a military museum, lots of stuff to see near FW.