Delete polls or remove choices?

Jim K

Final Approach
PoA Supporter
Mar 31, 2019
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Richard Digits
I had the thought it might be nice to add a poll to the midwest fly-in thread, but it appears that once you make one you can't delete it or the options you previously created.

I'd like to keep that one thread so people who have replied in the past can get notifications when we're working on a new date. Is there any option on the back end to allow deletion of a poll?
I thought there was an option to end it after a time, no?
I thought there was an option to end it after a time, no?
you can end it, but it doesn't go away, just closes to new responses. It appears from what I've played with it that once you start a poll and put in choices, those choices are permanently part of the thread.
What does the poll have to do with people getting notifications? Either end the poll or start a new thread to be used go-forward with no poll. Or be the keeper of a Midwest username list and tag peeps. Or send up the bat signal which in this case means flying to lunch. Or buy
What does the poll have to do with people getting notifications? Either end the poll or start a new thread to be used go-forward with no poll. Or be the keeper of a Midwest username list and tag peeps. Or send up the bat signal which in this case means flying to lunch. Or buy
I'd like to change the poll month to month without starting a new thread. I'd rather not have to maintain a giant list of usernames, and tag people who aren't even interested. The one big thread provides notifications to people who are interested enough to keep up with it. We've made it a full year without a poll, so it's not like it's mission critical. It would just make me feel less like a dictator.