Coming soon to an airport near you: Activists attacking planes

Country Flier

Cleared for Takeoff
Sep 20, 2019
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Saw this on youtube today...seems the plane has a Danish registration, so I'm sure its Europe somewhere.

41 second mark:

Or, if you don't wish to watch:



Germany and They made a statement:

"By our paint action, private jets were turned from a symbol for excessive luxury into a warning light against reckless destruction of the climate, which is perpetrated by a small minority of the super-rich at the expense of the majority," Last Generation said.

If you own a twin engine piper you are now considered the “super rich”.
I don't understand why that kind of behavior is allowed, anywhere. Wanton destruction of property is wanton destruction of property regardless of if you try to pretend that you're "making a statement for a cause" or not.
This org is a group of so-called "eco-vandals" that have been going around spray painting anything they disagree with to include various stores, the French PM's office, several famous works of art in museums, and the Italian senate building. They were dragged off by the cops when they hit the Pallazo Vechio in Florence.

Germany and They made a statement:

"By our paint action, private jets were turned from a symbol for excessive luxury into a warning light against reckless destruction of the climate, which is perpetrated by a small minority of the super-rich at the expense of the majority," Last Generation said.

If you own a twin engine piper you are now considered the “super rich”.
They think a twin engine Piper is a private jet, so they are already wrong before they started.
in fairness, you kinda have to be a baller to burn 24gph of lead juice and bounce and go in Eurozone airports.
Death penalty seems appropriate.
A spokeswoman for the federal police tasked with security at the airport said they had been informed of the protest shortly after noon.
Sounds like they suck at their job
I wonder what would have happened if the pilot grabbed a can of spray paint and went after the rioters backpacks or bicycles...

Add in a little gas and a match just for the added climate effect. I'm all for peaceful protest but some of these people just need disappeared when it gets to this level of destruction.
What happens when you don't teach your children right from wrong.

Yes, but it goes beyond simple right/wrong.

...a small minority of the super-rich at the expense of the majority," Last Generation said.

There’s a lot of angst here that has hubris and jealousy and entitlement at its core. And their hatred of the rich is so overpowering that they don’t even understand who the “super-rich” are, or that “super-rich” don’t own old prop twins. Their hubris is such that they think they know more about the climate than anyone else yet they don’t have brains enough to know what a jet is.
Yes, but it goes beyond simple right/wrong.

I disagree, of course the underlying angst is complicated, but the behavior is simple to assess and easy to determine as proper behavior or improper behavior.... right or wrong. Destroying someone else's property because your panties are in a twist is wrong, pretty much always.
The line between "activist" and "terrorist" is a fine one -- one who is willing to give your all for their cause.
That would be true if there were REAL consequences to their actions like jail time. The problem is, this destructive, bad behavior is tolerated by those in power.
The line between "activist" and "terrorist" is a fine one -- one who is willing to give your all for their cause.

Well, this doesn’t really cause terror, so I’d be cautious about calling it terrorism. From a practical standpoint, I suspect insurance will pay for acts of vandalism, but there’s usually an exclusion for terrorist attacks. It might not be a good idea to use the terrorist label too casually.
I disagree, of course the underlying angst is complicated, but the behavior is simple to assess and easy to determine as proper behavior or improper behavior.... right or wrong. Destroying someone else's property because your panties are in a twist is wrong, pretty much always.

Behaviors stem from underlying ideas and points of view. You can’t stop bad behavior solely by a long list of prohibited actions. The flawed thinking behind the acts must be corrected.

Germany and They made a statement:

"By our paint action, private jets were turned from a symbol for excessive luxury into a warning light against reckless destruction of the climate, which is perpetrated by a small minority of the super-rich at the expense of the majority," Last Generation said.

If you own a twin engine piper you are now considered the “super rich”.
I'm not condoning the vandalism. Not one bit. But if you own and properly maintain a plane much larger than a C-172 (excluding home-built planes where an owner's effort replaces a lot of money), you are wealthy. Renting a C-172 isn't exactly cheap anymore.

Did I mention I'm not condoning the actions of the vandals? But as perspective, middle-class people are mostly priced out of owning planes.
I'm not condoning the vandalism. Not one bit. But if you own and properly maintain a plane much larger than a C-172 (excluding home-built planes where an owner's effort replaces a lot of money), you are wealthy. Renting a C-172 isn't exactly cheap anymore.

Did I mention I'm not condoning the actions of the vandals? But as perspective, middle-class people are mostly priced out of owning planes.
I agree. I also think some of the reactions here are overboard. Spray paint is not terrorism. Physically harming these morons is not called for. They should be held responsible for repairing the damage they caused however.
I agree. I also think some of the reactions here are overboard. Spray paint is not terrorism. Physically harming these morons is not called for. They should be held responsible for repairing the damage they caused however.

I’m pretty sure these idiots don’t believe in capitalism, and are living off their parents or the government, so they have no money to pay for the damages they cause. So holding them accountable is not going to help.
I’m pretty sure these idiots don’t believe in capitalism, and are living off their parents or the government, so they have no money to pay for the damages they cause. So holding them accountable is not going to help.
In most places, not paying debts eventually results in prison time.
In most places, not paying debts eventually results in prison time.

That way, not only do they not have to pay you for destroying your private property, you can now pay for their food, clothes, shelter, and medical care through your taxes! :cool:
That way, not only do they not have to pay you for destroying your private property, you can now pay for their food, clothes, shelter, and medical care through your taxes! :cool:
That’s why I advocate for a more medieval approach to restitution. Although, nothing permanently disabling.
I agree. I also think some of the reactions here are overboard. Spray paint is not terrorism. Physically harming these morons is not called for. They should be held responsible for repairing the damage they caused however.

You are probably right.
In most places, not paying debts eventually results in prison time.
Pre 2020 perhaps.

The irony (should they actually be held responsible) would be paying $50k to strip and repaint the plane with environmental hazardous materials
It’s amazing that Singapore doesn’t seem to have these problems.

Maybe in part for a different reason, that their unemployed people don't have enough money to buy spray paint. I agree with the comments about the problem with entitlement, and I'll argue that this outlook is created, not inherited.
Maybe in part for a different reason, that their unemployed people don't have enough money to buy spray paint. I agree with the comments about the problem with entitlement, and I'll argue that this outlook is created, not inherited.
Very nuanced. But I’m going to stick with a culture of obedience fostered by an efficient criminal justice system.
Might brighten up the dull paint on the club 182H.
Doesn't new paint require an amendment to the weight-and-balance?