California to Carolina - Part 3: Starting back West


Line Up and Wait
Jul 31, 2017
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Some challenging weather with a good deal of convection in the forecast. Will we make reasonable progress toward home… or divert short? First a plane ride for loved ones, and then we start our return to California. Welcome aboard! Wayne, GeezerGeek Pilot
Hi Wayne…. Really enjoying your videos. Being 65 myself, I enjoy seeing other “older” pilots fly long XC, especially via IFR flights. I noticed you extend as you feel you can, so I assume, you don’t pre-book hotels.
Hi Wayne…. Really enjoying your videos. Being 65 myself, I enjoy seeing other “older” pilots fly long XC, especially via IFR flights. I noticed you extend as you feel you can, so I assume, you don’t pre-book hotels.
I try to avoid pre-booking hotels for single overnights... and with a good dose of luck on this trip, it worked out.

I watch several aviation theme videos, but I like Wayne's method the best.

Thanks to you both, and I'm very pleased that you enjoy the videos.
method of flying or method of youtubing? or something else.......

Both ... Wayne always seems to have some tidbit of info. especially in the operation of Foreflight that I end up using as well.

I'm ok with some of the others, but as an example, the start of Aviation 101's intros are real long (I watch 101's as he is related to my best friend but I wish he'd shorten the intro, but I understand he has to plug a lot of sponsors). Flight Chops is too hard for me to watch ...