Breakfast at KMIV


Jul 27, 2005
Ocean City, MD
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It's to nice out not to get up in the air this morning. Mary and I are headed to Antino's for breakfast at 10am. Any takers ??????

Off to the airport ..... :goofy:
If I was not sick as a dog with this head cold I might have taken you up on that.

you two Have Fun Fly safe.


Mary and I both had that bronchitis sucked!

Great weather this morning to and from. After 5 weeks of no flying I actually had to go around at millville. Entered on a 45* for left downwind 32 making note of the cross wind. Base to final the sock shows solid tailwind.......hmmmmm......ok last notch of flaps, way to hot, about 10 feet of the runway half way down....:rolleyes: I go around. Mary said so much for tire squeak.....the comedian. Second time around crosswind again but set it down a bit long but fairly smooth. Glad the rust is off!!

Nice short field landing at KILG r/w 32 at about 60 kts short and sweet.

Breakfast was great as always at Antino's. We were just getting ready to taxi out when Ron Levy taxied by along with 3 others of the Grumman gang for a stop at the Flight Line.

Maybe next time!
The Mid-Atlantic region Grumman formation group uses MIV as its main practice site. We were up there today for the first time since October (weather, vacations, aircraft problems, etc) and got one 4-ship and one 3-ship flight in, along with brunch at the Flight Line restaurant. Good day for flying...
It's to nice out not to get up in the air this morning. Mary and I are headed to Antino's for breakfast at 10am. Any takers ??????

Off to the airport ..... :goofy:
It was too nice out not to fly this past Saturday as well. Cool, dry air, no smoke. I was considering the Essex fly-in and JGG, but I finally made it to KMIV with my older son. Had a nice lunch at Verna's.