Aviation Ground Schools - Weekend IR Test Prep


Final Approach
Mar 14, 2005
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Got a postcard from 'Aviation Ground Schools' regarding their weekend accelerated Instrument Ground School. They will be in Des Moines in May which is close enough that I could justify the drive to attend the cram class if it's worthwhile.

I've always been a 'drink from the fire hose' type of learner, so I'm not worried about the 'accelerated' part. I just need something to cover everything in one big swoop so I can get the written done so I'll be forced to get the training done. I've done the 'read the books yourself' stuff 2-3 times, but work always prevents me from getting through all the material in a relatively short period of time.

Anyone have any experience with the group? The 'company' name on the card is "Aviation Ground Schools" from Reno, Nevada. They're quoting a $295.00 price for the 2-day class and their 'pledge' is "You will learn everything you need to know to pass the FAA Instrument written test in just one weekend ... WE GUARANTEE IT!"

Any pros/cons with the company itself?

No, Chris, no knowledge of the company itself. But, Gleim's test prep course can be had by buying their prep book. $~20.00. When you have completed the course, they mail you a certificate and that'll get you into the test center door.

However, I do understand the need to simply schedule it, block out all else and get it done.
bbchien said:
No, Chris, no knowledge of the company itself. But, Gleim's test prep course can be had by buying their prep book. $~20.00. When you have completed the course, they mail you a certificate and that'll get you into the test center door.
Or buy the CD (~$60)and work it on your computer, then when you've answered all the questions right you can print out a completion certificate.
CJones said:
Got a postcard from 'Aviation Ground Schools' regarding their weekend accelerated Instrument Ground School. They will be in Des Moines in May which is close enough that I could justify the drive to attend the cram class if it's worthwhile.

I've always been a 'drink from the fire hose' type of learner, so I'm not worried about the 'accelerated' part. I just need something to cover everything in one big swoop so I can get the written done so I'll be forced to get the training done. I've done the 'read the books yourself' stuff 2-3 times, but work always prevents me from getting through all the material in a relatively short period of time.

Anyone have any experience with the group? The 'company' name on the card is "Aviation Ground Schools" from Reno, Nevada. They're quoting a $295.00 price for the 2-day class and their 'pledge' is "You will learn everything you need to know to pass the FAA Instrument written test in just one weekend ... WE GUARANTEE IT!"

Any pros/cons with the company itself?

I used Aviation Ground Schools to finish preparation for my knowledge test in January 2004. I passed the test comfortably. I thought it was well worth it. The object of the course is to identify the "traps" in some of the questions while reviewing the "correct" answers to all of the types of questions on the exam.

One of the advantages is that you can take it over anytime after completion for the cost of a new book.

I took it again in February as I was preparing for the checkride. It helped cement the book-learning for the oral (which continues during the flying).

I recommend it for someone who has done self study so that the concepts are familiar.