Auto Pilot Options


Jul 17, 2014
Sanford NC
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My never ending search to upgrade the venture for cheap as possible continues. Truth is the KLN90B and KX165 with an HSI and CDI is plenty capable. Sure I’d like a WAAS GPS but I don’t fly in terrible weather all that often so only having an ILS for really low ceilings isn’t a big deal at least for now. What it really needs is a more capable autopilot. It has an Stec50 but no gps steer which again isn’t a huge deal. What it really lacks is auto trim and the ability to capture altitudes and do climbs and descents. I know a lot of people will roll their eyes and say real pilots don’t need that, well I can but it takes a lot more focus than it could with better equipment.

So the problem is none of the new autopilots can communicate with the old GPS and KX165 nav equipment. This pretty much limits me to older systems. Do any of you avionics gurus have any suggestions? The venture is very trim dependent so something with auto trim is nice but I can deal with that. Something with the same form factor would be nice as the panel is already pretty full.
A WAAS GPS adds more than just LPV and LP approach minimums. It also adds accuracy to your standard LNAV approaches and does not require you to check RAIM on every flight. It also adds advisory vertical guidance to LNAV approaches, which is actually super helpful. It further helps you when an ILS goes out for MX, especially in the MON era. To me, that is a much bigger issue than dumping what is still a pretty capable autopilot.

That said, I'm not so sure the STEC 3100 can't talk to those systems. They have a good deal on them if you upgrade from existing STEC equipment.

If I were in your shoes, I'd keep the STEC50 and get dual G5s and a WAAS GPS (can be a used 430W or whatever). That would give you GPSS and the need to only control pitch and power on GPS approaches, which is great. If you do want to upgrade the AP, I'd look into whether the STEC 3100 can talk to those older systems.
I have a trio pro pilot. It will talk to older stuff by serial but on a plane like yours doing climbs may be problematic to get dialed in. The trio would fit a standard hole. For altitude changes I just turn off the elevator servo and hand fly altitude while George keeps the roll on course. I disconnected the auto trim because anytime it changed trim the elevator servo was slow to react resulting in excursions.
I have a trio pro pilot. It will talk to older stuff by serial but on a plane like yours doing climbs may be problematic to get dialed in. The trio would fit a standard hole. For altitude changes I just turn off the elevator servo and hand fly altitude while George keeps the roll on course. I disconnected the auto trim because anytime it changed trim the elevator servo was slow to react resulting in excursions.
Sounds like it want help my only complaint, climbs..
A WAAS GPS adds more than just LPV and LP approach minimums. It also adds accuracy to your standard LNAV approaches and does not require you to check RAIM on every flight. It also adds advisory vertical guidance to LNAV approaches, which is actually super helpful. It further helps you when an ILS goes out for MX, especially in the MON era. To me, that is a much bigger issue than dumping what is still a pretty capable autopilot.

That said, I'm not so sure the STEC 3100 can't talk to those systems. They have a good deal on them if you upgrade from existing STEC equipment.

If I were in your shoes, I'd keep the STEC50 and get dual G5s and a WAAS GPS (can be a used 430W or whatever). That would give you GPSS and the need to only control pitch and power on GPS approaches, which is great. If you do want to upgrade the AP, I'd look into whether the STEC 3100 can talk to those older systems.

thanks for the advice but not in the market for a GPS right now. An STEC 60-2 will do what I want but I think it requires a separate interface for VS that I don’t have room for. The 55x and 3100 will work as well but again don’t have the room for it.
Looks like an STEC 55x is my best option. Seen a few used ones for around 1k. I think I can make room but will require ditching my analog engine gages and getting a digital monitor.