Air Wagner..... He’s baaaaackk.

Wow. Should have destroyed that video instead of putting it on the internet.
Video is not available.
Jerry doesn't allow his videos to be embedded on forums. It's the result of significant trashing on Reddit. But it is available (for now; he's been known to remove some particularly bad ones) if you open it in YouTube.
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Might as well put more avionics in front of the windows since they don’t use them anyway. Maybe a home theatre to watch a movie. They didn’t have enough distractions as it was.
I could not watch this all the way through since it was so abhorrent. Was this part of a series "How not to behave in the cockpit." Or are they taking bets on which flight will end up in a crash?
They just seem soooo sloppy with everything they do. I thought maybe I was missing something but it appears that’s this guy’s shtick

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If I mucked up as badly as those guys I'd not show my face anywhere, no less Youtube. Yeesh. I really don't think they get it.
I Or are they taking bets on which flight will end up in a crash?

I am sure there is a bookie where you can buy a date or bet on the number of eventual victims.
I don't know who these guys are but I lasted about a minute. Dicking around with setting altimeter and a bunch of other button-pushing and they've already got a takeoff clearance. WTF?
That and their inability to understand a simple departure procedure clearance. We missed the part leading up where they try to load up the departure clearance in the GPS and find it's not there. They then find it and completely misinterpret it:

1. They turn when not assigned a turn.
2. The appear (at least Jerry tells him to do so, can't tell if he did or not) go direct to the destination ("as filed") before appropriate.

ATC seems to have tolerated it and just gave them a DIRECT OGDEN instruction later on.

I love his disclaimer that this is for our entertainment and not intended to be instruction. :)

I love on every single flight he never thinks to set his altimeter or transponder code until AFTER he acknowledges his takeoff clearance. This is common to just about all of his videos.
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I don't know who these guys are but I lasted about a minute. Dicking around with setting altimeter and a bunch of other button-pushing and they've already got a takeoff clearance. WTF?

...and already rolling for takeoff! Ugh

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After watching the first few minutes, I was thinking “This is so bad, I’ve got to turn this off”, but in sort of a train wreck mentality, I fast forwarded to the approach. It got even worse! They can’t even read an approach plate right. Fortunately they at least did what the controller told them and it was a clear night, so they got it on the ground in spite of themselves. In the clouds, and doing what they wanted to do, they would have been a smoking hole.
I only hope whoever let these two get their hands on a PC-12 sees this and realizes what a bad idea that was.
I wondered why departure didn't ask what the big turn was when they misread the procedure.
I have to wonder if someone is going to flag these videos and this guy to the FAA or an inspector?

Also, pretty sure they landed with no landing lights on. From experience, PC 12s light up the runway like crazy... lots of lights.
I have to wonder if someone is going to flag these videos and this guy to the FAA or an inspector?
If memory serves me correctly, that ship sailed quite a while ago - also, as mentioned, some of the "better" videos have been removed.
From someone who has been an inactive member here for 12 years but hasn't been visiting often, what is he "back" from?

Seems to have a history of something . . .
I don't know who these guys are but I lasted about a minute. Dicking around with setting altimeter and a bunch of other button-pushing and they've already got a takeoff clearance. WTF?

You use the phrase "setting altimeter" liberally since he didn't know what the altimeter setting was. For an IFR flight. He just set it to the airport elevation.
I understand that people have brought these videos to the FAA's attention, but they say they can't do anything about it, but why do they go after people like Trent Palmer and others for what they put on video? I don't get it.
Holy crap... that dude is just mind numbingly painful to watch. Such a huge ego with no skills to back it up, and he just Never. Stops. Talking. No way I could fly with that moron... unless he were handcuffed and had a gimp ball gag in his mouth. Just STFU and don't touch anything.
Wow. A veritable orgasm of what not to do. At least they went around to chop altitude. With the way it was starting I had a hard time figuring out who is PIC.
I've seen a few of this character's videos. It's a smorgasbord demonstration of how not to act, what not to do, and expert level obliviousness. I hope those watching are able to clearly recognize just how far from a safe and professional operation this is.
Got love the guys over at jet careers forum. They have over 175 pages of posts on this guy. Hilarious. Found this gem there
View attachment 79694

That is a fairly accurate description!

Those two morons kept up the stupidity right to the end.
Even in the closing minutes when idiot one asked idiot two what the warning alarm that kept sounding was for...oh because we were going to fast when you dropped the gear and flaps. Sigh...

When they crash, and I do mean when, not if, I bet these videos all become Exhibits in court as the insurance company denies paying the claim.
I fast forwarded to the approach. It got even worse! They can’t even read an approach plate right.

Here's the plate. Jerry keeps saying the crossing altitude for CISBI is 6000, and wonders why the controller told him to maintain 8000 to CISBI. But as I read the plate, the crossing altitude is 7700 until the the FAF at WULFE.

Here's the plate. Jerry keeps saying the crossing altitude for CISBI is 6000, and wonders why the controller told him to maintain 8000 to CISBI. But as I read the plate, the crossing altitude is 7700 until the the FAF at WULFE.

Correct. . And then asks the controller why???? Ummm, maybe it’s the color coded 6500 ft peak clearly shown? :). “Just Curious”. :)
He chimes in to defend himself in every single comment on this video. I don't know how someone can be so arrogant.

"I was not P.I.C. It was a group of friends on a flight, not a charter, no paying passengers, I'l let Mike know about your concerns, THANKS FOR RIDING ALONG !"

There's no "until" in crossing altitudes and there's no real "crossing altitude" here at all. 7700 is the minimum altitude prior to CISBI. 6000 between CISBI and WULFE. 6000 is also the glide slope intercept.
He usually just flies between Oakland and his home drone, a flight of less than 100 miles, so he has everything memorized, so no wonder he can’t read a chart. He also maximum zoom into the georeference approach chart, and uses it to navigate the approach.
