A day or two back, but I didn't see this posted.

I considered posting but didn't since there weren't any details or cause yet. He was a member of our club. Although I didn't know him well he'd been around for over 20 years. I'd been to his hangar a few times when he was working on the RV. When you looked at someone and thought it couldn't happen to them, he was one of those guys. Although I've only been around for less than 2 years it is a really sad time at the club for those that were close friends with him for the last 20+ years.
Man...so many accidents...wonder what the cause of this one is...makes you really think about flying GA.
May they rest in peace.
More folks than that die in cars every day, many through no fault of their own. You takes your chances. The only real certainty is no one makes it out alive.