1963 ATC explained


Pattern Altitude
Jun 7, 2008
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Andrew, CFI-I
I am sure some of you might have seen this before, but I thought I'd share this classic video I enjoyed watching. Except for the overuse of "roger" and "over", and radar "reply codes" (is that the same as squawk codes?), and paper flight progress strips, it seems nearly the same as today's ATC.

As far as the control structure is concerned (tower, approach control, enroute center, approach control, tower) and a few of the clearances, it's about the same. Everything else is vastly different.

Automated radar data processing (radar scopes with data blocks) and flight data processing (computer generated strips) were implemented in centers in the mid-late 70's. I hired on in the early 80's. Every once in a while one of the IBM 9020's (we had 3, it took 2 to run the operation) would burp, the NOT RECEIVING RADAR would flash on all the scopes, and a loud collective groan would emerge.

Then, everyone would start to lay their scopes down flat (where's that lever that I pull? There's two?) while someone went to the supervisor's desk to get the little plastic pieces adoringly called shrimp boats (which made great poker chips on the midnight shift) used to identify all those targets...wait a minute, RDP is back. Whew!