182 Yokes


Line Up and Wait
May 6, 2006
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Good Guy
I have a 182E with aftermarket yokes. They look like the Piper yokes, and are cast aluminum. The yokes have a horse's head in the center, and it looks like the profile of a knight chess piece.

I've tried to find out what make they are so I can covers made for them. They are nice, but my hands sweat a lot in the summer, and I need something to help with the grip.
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I recently saw something where para-cord was used to wrap a yoke. It looked pretty dang cool if you ask me.

Plus, in the emergency preparedness department, you could unwind and use the cord to your imagination’s content.

EDIT: here ya go, found it-
Okay, so those yokes are also from a late-60's Cessna. Very common to replace the original plastic ones, with later rams-horn style because the plastic ones were prone to breaking (at the worst possible time). I would guess these came off of a C320 SkyKnight because of the logo. Same part number was used in 182s, 200 series and 300 series.

Thank you. The yokes are very nice. They appear to be cast aluminum. I have no problem with them except that my hands sweat profusely. I just need something to keep my hands from slipping. I tried bicycle tape and it works, but I'm looking for something that looks a little nicer.
Many years ago a 182 parked on our FBO's ramp after landing, and the ashen-faced pilot walked with with half of a yoke in his hand. :eek:
That's why they put 2 of them in the plane right?