Want To Buy 12v KX155 w/gs


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Aug 6, 2020
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Anybody, Bueller, Anybody?

I do got a 24v to trade... or sell.
Give www.kx-155.com a call and see if they have any to trade or maybe see if a conversion is possible??
Uh... of course there’s a www dot answer... Geesh. Thanks! I will!
If no luck finding a 14VDC model I have a 28 volt to 14 volt avionics voltage reducing unit. $25 plus shipping. This came out of an aircraft.
Hmmm... I don’t believe you. Remove one and prove it to me!! And since it’s out... just sayin...

And I have a hunch a few cheap shots are about to be shot across the bow... Nevermind, reworded it. Sorry.
Made contact. Thanks!
Wow. So the guy in Idaho was pretty confused how a guy in Gulf Shores with a TN phone number found his ad!

Seems a great and easy transaction. Thanks to all!
Maybe I should call him for my commission... Glad it worked out!
Wow. So the guy in Idaho was pretty confused how a guy in Gulf Shores with a TN phone number found his ad!

Seems a great and easy transaction. Thanks to all!
Nice! Been contemplating putting the Kx155s in another plane under supervision to get that one out of the Narco era.
He’s got another...
I have a KX-155 that came out the 172 after getting a new panel. Been sitting on the shelf for a couple years now.
I’m taking my plane in for upgrades early may, will have that which you seek. My guess is you are looking to get one quickly.
Have already found one. The Boise Craigslist referral worked great!
Have already found one. The Boise Craigslist referral worked great!
I think if you're selling something here, there's a way to mark the thread "Sold". Since this is a wanted thread, is there a way to mark it "Bought"?