Recent content by ollopa

  1. ollopa

    Check your clocks for airspace violations

    I think a more general takeaway is to just be prepared for anything in the last 10 minutes before the tower closes. I once entered the pattern in class D at night time just a few minutes before closing. Got cleared for landing and as I'm on short final, "Hey Skychicken 1234, lights might...
  2. ollopa

    That Guy...

    You still have to confirm the amount before it charges your account, so you're avoiding pipelining your operations for no reason.
  3. ollopa

    Fatal ICON A5 crash

    Well the witness description makes it sound like they flew into a dead-end and stalled while trying to execute something like a canyon turn.
  4. ollopa

    What makes a pilot do this?

    Just enough speed to zoom-climb into an accelerated stall and fall back down into the river. You must be smoking crack -- he can't zoom-climb because he's not in an RV :D I saw his comment on YT about this being the least dangerous of his hobbies. His other videos look like paragliding, which...
  5. ollopa

    No body will answer me!!!

    Don't listen to forane. If you're not getting the TX indicator then your problem is before the fact and investigating the antenna match is a waste of time. Seriously forane, look at the symptoms. This is a PTT issue.
  6. ollopa

    I can't be the only one who's noticed...

    30-50 year old kids on the Internet.... What is the point of this topic?
  7. ollopa

    Soldier's KIA Family by 1st Class Passengers

    I think the spin is that this is anti-soldier sentiment but there are few Americans who would ever boo a grieving family. We all know that there is something missing in this story. I arrived home on an international flight that was a bit late once. The airline was holding up the departure of...
  8. ollopa


    That was some pretty amazing soft-field technique. Have to agree with his assessment, though: Flying with him just might be life-threatening. Looking forward to his next video when he tells us the dangers of flying a kite through a thermal.
  9. ollopa

    There's got to be a story here...

    Looks like my boat but with wings and the vegetation growing on the outside.
  10. ollopa

    finally got airborne and had a decent lesson. but I have a ?

    This is the best explanation I've found:
  11. ollopa

    The Lancair IV, unsafe at any speed??

    I've been thinking about the relationship between speed and fatalities today and while I agree that cruise speed isn't so highly correlated with fatal accidents, I suspect stall speed is. Kinetic energy is proportional to the square of velocity so doubling your touchdown speed quadruples the...
  12. ollopa

    My Long Solo XC Nightm.. uh, Adventure!

    You must have flown into the museum of natural history, where such fossils are kept on display. Sounds like you had a great adventure :) Thanks for sharing!
  13. ollopa

    Twin Cessna Crash in AR

    Not on a multi-engine. Sounds like a Vmc roll.
  14. ollopa

    Height / age requirement for right seat PAX?

    Uhh only when these are placed on the ramp. Otherwise it's a judgment call.
  15. ollopa

    How do you feel about flying?

    Some of my earliest memories are of my dad's stick a tissue models on top of the refrigerator. I can't remember a time when I wasn't captivated by flight and didn't fantasize about seeing the world from a bird's perspective. Flying is a fusion of many passions: I love the radios, talking with...