Recent content by Bob Noel

  1. Bob Noel

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    No Hell, Angel
  2. Bob Noel

    Pocket knife: Weird or normal?

    I like how someone thought it was necessary to label the can opener
  3. Bob Noel

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    Space Cowboy
  4. Bob Noel

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    The Bridge of Madison County
  5. Bob Noel

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    1 dollar baby
  6. Bob Noel

    Wag-Aero's Demise

    Is that a change to the rules? civility is the criteria?
  7. Bob Noel

    Next word that comes to mind...

  8. Bob Noel

    Apple blows chunks

    It's not like it's impossible to make copy of portions of the notebook...
  9. Bob Noel

    I Hate Enterprise

    I rented from Enterprise once. Never again. I'll walk before renting from Enterprise
  10. Bob Noel

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    How to lose a guy in 1 day
  11. Bob Noel


    maths is hard
  12. Bob Noel

    Apple blows chunks

    managing risk, which some don't understand includes consideration of the cost of protection vs the cost of losing the data (corrupted or copied or ...) Kind of like aircraft insurance, if the cost of hull insurance exceeds the cost of the hull, then it would be kind of, ahem, dumb to have hull...
  13. Bob Noel

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    Rule of Engagement
  14. Bob Noel

    Wag-Aero's Demise

    what's the saying about wrestling with a pig?
  15. Bob Noel

    Next word that comes to mind...
