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  1. Bob Noel

    Elon does not read this forum, apparently

    well, industry can probably more easily fire some of the glorified and inefficient (or they get MBAs...)
  2. Bob Noel

    Self serve fuel pump etiquette

    and when departing the FBO, you should have muttered to yourself something like "didn't know that airplane* would take 120 gallons**..." *substituting his particular model ** some figure that would be 50 gallons more than his airplane's total fuel capacity ok, maybe that would be too much work...
  3. Bob Noel

    Delta knocks tail off other plane on ground

    Actually I had read that half of the victims were 16 and older
  4. Bob Noel

    Delta knocks tail off other plane on ground

    Continuing the sidetrack, when I first saw a proposed rule it stated that there were 200 deaths annually The proposal claimed an estimated 100 deaths would be prevented. With annual sales of about ten million cars and an estimated cost of $200 per car, that’s a lot of money to spend to save...
  5. Bob Noel

    Delta knocks tail off other plane on ground

    uh huh. Annually, how many people were killed by car backing up? do the math sometime...
  6. Bob Noel

    Next word that comes to mind...

  7. Bob Noel

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  8. Bob Noel

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  9. Bob Noel

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  10. Bob Noel

    Self serve fuel pump etiquette

    It might be more accurate to say "the original Cold War..." After all, languages evolve, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly. Of course, it could be argued that current use (i.e., woke postmodern definition use) is simply incorrect. Often times people throw labels around incorrectly. One of...
  11. Bob Noel

    Next word that comes to mind...

  12. Bob Noel

    Next word that comes to mind...

  13. Bob Noel

    Next word that comes to mind...

  14. Bob Noel

    Next word that comes to mind...

  15. Bob Noel

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  16. Bob Noel

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  17. Bob Noel

    Self serve fuel pump etiquette

    the thumbs down is for quoting that oxygen thief.
  18. Bob Noel

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    so far... Revenge is a dish...
  19. Bob Noel

    Next word that comes to mind...

  20. Bob Noel

    Delta knocks tail off other plane on ground

    Let's not forget that technology doesn't eliminate risks. how many instances are there of a pilot landing gear-up and later saying he couldn't hear the tower warning him because the gear-up alarm was blaring? There was an instance of CFIT (into the side of a mountain) with the "Terrain Pull UP...