Oshkosh Brown Arch Brick! (Fundraiser)


Super Administrator
Management Council Member
PoA Supporter
Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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Thanks to @Jim K for bringing this cool initiative to our attention!

We are excited to announce the opportunity to fund a brick at the Brown Arch at EAA’s AirVenture Oshkosh!

The idea for this brick would encompass our site logo, as well as the domain, as depicted below -


The above is an example, and the final version will be formatted correctly.

Please view the link below for more information about the brick and the goal of this fundraiser. We will need to get the ‘Whole’ option that costs $1,000, as well as the option of adding a picture or logo for an additional $100, bringing the goal dollar amount to $1100.

Donations can be made at the link below:
If you’d like to donate more or less than what’s given here, let me know and I’ll send you a custom link. Once the goal has been met, I will cut off the donations, so if you see them available, we have not yet met our goal.

Couple notes to add:

-Due to me completely dropping the ball 4 months ago, we are now up against a deadline of May 15 to get the brick placed for OSH 23, so get those donations in!

- when we discussed this last fall, we had around 25 express interest, so the suggested donation is $50; I believe (@RyanB correct me if I'm wrong) any funds excess to the goal will go towards site maintenence.

- I'm envisioning having a meetup/ photo for those in attendance this summer, and hopefully going forward.

- if anyone happens to be close by this weekend and can suggest a visible location for our brick, that would be helpful. Last summer the one right next to the Patey's was open, but I don't know which one it was other than being just off the center.

- there will be no pockets available on our brick
Keep us posted on monies raised pls.
We've already received $500 in donations! As @Jim K mentioned, the deadline for submission to be placed at this year's AirVenture, is May 15th. While it's a fairly short notice goal, the support we've already received is quite amazing! Thank you to those who have donated!
We've already received $500 in donations! As @Jim K mentioned, the deadline for submission to be placed at this year's AirVenture, is May 15th. While it's a fairly short notice goal, the support we've already received is quite amazing!
That's awesome. I was afraid that the lack of responses on this thread meant I was going to have to start tagging people....

Also, bump...
We are now up to $600 received, over halfway to our goal!

Thanks y’all!
One week left to donate toward the PoA brick!
At least $650 now.

put this in context - less than 0.5 hours of flight time. You’re a rich pilot, you can afford that, right?
Okay, we're less than a week to go here, and I'd like to see this not go to the last minute. I'm not sure this thread has had the visibility it needs, so I'm going to tag all the people who expressed interest in this project when we originally brought it up... if you've already contributed, thank you, if not, please consider it:
@Dave Theisen
@X3 Skier
@Dave Anderson
@Steve Costello

That's the 19 who explicitly said "I'm in", so we should be at at least $950. There were 23 who voted, "I'm interested" in the initial thread.

I have no knowledge of who has and hasn't contributed, so please don't take offense to me tagging you, just trying to get some more eyes on this thread.

Let's get it done!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We’re $150 away from our goal!

it would have been nice if this hadn’t been moved from the more traveled sections to here. I totally forgot about this. Thanks for the reminder.
it would have been nice if this hadn’t been moved from the more traveled sections to here

@RyanB would it be worth doing one of those announcements you guys sometimes do? We're pretty close, but I think a lot of people just haven't seen it.
@RyanB would it be worth doing one of those announcements you guys sometimes do? We're pretty close, but I think a lot of people just haven't seen it.
What announcement is that? I sent an alert to all users shortly after posting the thread. I could do that a second time if needed!
What announcement is that? I sent an alert to all users shortly after posting the thread. I could do that a second time if needed!
I got the alert. Totally missed the earlier threads about it, but the alert was hard to miss.
What announcement is that? I sent an alert to all users shortly after posting the thread. I could do that a second time if needed!
Oh I missed that. I thought I had seen a "site wide announcement" banner on the hompage when you guys post updates to the rules & such. Am I misremembering? Or is that what you did already and I skipped over it?
I forgot, is this for an actual cause or just for the brick?
I forgot, is this for an actual cause or just for the brick?
It's mostly a gift to EAA, through which POA as a community gets memorialized.
Oh I missed that. I thought I had seen a "site wide announcement" banner on the hompage when you guys post updates to the rules & such. Am I misremembering? Or is that what you did already and I skipped over it?
Generally what we do, is send a mass alert to all 30k+ members and that’s what I did at the start of this thread. I will send out another tomorrow to remind folks a final time, but we have seriously seen a lot of generosity with this and I think it’s a very cool thing to support the EAA in this way and get a nice brick to represent the forum too.
Done - good cause!
Just saw this. Very happy to hear the goal has been met, but I'm still in for a $50 donation if it can assist this project.
Can someone assist with picking out a good place for the brick? I’m looking at the chart, but don’t know where is what.

click the link, click whole brick, and then click select brick from chart.

The chart is kind of goofed up in chrome, but another browser managed to open it.

Screenshot_20230509-225214_Samsung Internet~2.jpg

I'd suggest the circled area; that's the most trafficked area as people take pictures in front of the arch.

Here's one of ours from a couple years ago that happened to include a couple interesting ones (they're bigger than I remember):


Paying $1000 for an intentional misspelling speaks to me, but I digress.

Looks like Mike patey is 9 rows from the planter. From the chart it looks like the one under my oldest daughter is still available. Rows 6&7 would get us closer to center.

ETA: ASA really should have gone with either 2 or 4. 3 off- centered like that...yuck.
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