Closed Free Safe


Final Approach
Jul 12, 2008
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I do not know the combo, and it probably weighs 300-500 lbs. Pick up in Southern WI.... if anyone wants it... it's yours.

PXL_20230423_181519800.jpg PXL_20230423_181527658.jpg PXL_20230423_181536664.jpg
Wonder what that’s worth in scrap metal?
Wonder what that’s worth in scrap metal?
Good question. I'm not sure if it's true in this case but I know many safes are full of concrete between steel layers.
Have a friend put something worthless in it, lock it and then sell it an an unopened safe for which you don’t know the contents inside or the combination. Someone will pay you to take it away.
If your neighborhood is anything like my neighborhood, just set it next to the road in the morning, and it will be gone by lunch... :lol:
Be sure to load it up with something heavy and worthless and then lock it. Sit back and watch someone struggle to load it.
I’ll take it! I love safes. I’ll start working on a pickup.

I don't think this is gonna be like flying the monkey around until it makes it home.

Wicked cool find.
It needs a good story. Paint something like "Wells Fargo" or "Bank of Tombstone" on the side. Toss in a "Wanted" poster or two, maybe for the James gang or Billy the Kid. Dummy up a realistic authentication letter.

Show some creativity, man!
It got tugged away yesterday. Thanks for your interest all.
