Hagerstown and the SFRA


Pattern Altitude
Aug 28, 2007
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Dave Bahnson
Not that I won't do all the necessary DCA SFRA stuff on this upcoming flight (because I'm going through it anyway) but I'm curious how people based at Hagerstown (KHGR) deal with their location basically right on the 60 nm ring, or possibly technically just outside of it.

I've landed at airports that are located such that it's easy to clip the airspace while in the traffic pattern but also be able to land there without dealing with ATC, and some airspace has carve outs for specific airports to make it clear that the airport is not included in adjacent airspace.

All you need to do is have the training within the 60 nm ring. Take the online training, done.

And HGR Is RIGHT on the 60 nm ring.
You are far away from the SFRA....traffic not a factor resume navigation. It's a nothing burger. The larger issue....are you ADS-B compliant?
Not that I won't do all the necessary DCA SFRA stuff on this upcoming flight (because I'm going through it anyway) but I'm curious how people based at Hagerstown (KHGR) deal with their location basically right on the 60 nm ring, or possibly technically just outside of it.

I've landed at airports that are located such that it's easy to clip the airspace while in the traffic pattern but also be able to land there without dealing with ATC, and some airspace has carve outs for specific airports to make it clear that the airport is not included in adjacent airspace.

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How do they deal with it? They take the training. Aside from speed, the 60 mile ring doesn't have an operational effect on the airport.

The bigger issue for HGR is an expanded P40.
HGR is about 30 nm from the SFRA. The airspace that's about 2.5 nm easy of HGR is the expanded airspace for Camp David when the President is there.
HGR is about 30 nm from the SFRA. The airspace that's about 2.5 nm easy of HGR is the expanded airspace for Camp David when the President is there.
Got it. My mistake for assuming the 60 nm ring was for the SFRA, which it's not. I haven't flown around there for a while, and except for a flight to Dulles years ago have just remained outside the 30 nm ring or flown before the SFRA was even in existence. P-40 has been there forever, it seems. I'm not sure how long R-4009 has existed.

And yes, I'm ADS-B compliant.

Yup....P-40 could bite you....again. But file IFR and all will be fine. :D
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You are required to take a course on the SFRA if you will be flying within 60nm of the DCA VOR. This course is available online and outlines all the various procedures for ingress, egress and transitions across the SFRA. For what you intend to do it is likely a big nothing, but the briefer always asks if you are familiar with the DC SFRA rules and procedures. Taking the course will answer all your questions and you can say yes when the briefer asks.
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You are required to take a course on the SFRA if you will be flying within 60nm of the DCA VOR. This course is available online and outlines all the various procedures for ingress, egress and transitions across the SFRA. For what you intend to do it is likely a big nothing, but the briefer always asks if you are familiar with the DC SFRA rules and procedures. Taking the course will answer all your questions and you can say yes when the briefer asks.

I took the course many years ago, in fact so long ago that I've forgotten some of the details so I started to review the material when I realized that the 60 nm zone wasn't a big deal. That explains how I was able to zig zag through the Restricted Areas in the Potomac area a few years ago without having to file an SFRA flight plan.

It's all coming back to me now . . .
I love stopping at Hagerstown, great fbo, great restaurant. Been there several times, once the restaurant was closed, so they gave me a car and directions to a great restaurant nearby.
Got it. My mistake for assuming the 60 nm ring was for the SFRA, which it's not.

It is. But you only have to take the online training.

It gets more complicated if you have to go into the next ring.
It is. But you only have to take the online training.

It gets more complicated if you have to go into the next ring.

I did the training many years ago and flew into Dulles once after that but have since avoided the area by zigging and zagging to the east, but between a VIP TFR around Philadelphia and various Restricted airspaces in the Chesapeake Bay, I'm going west of DC on this one. I got IFR current today but will be going VFR tomorrow.
I'm based out of KHGR. The SFRA is less of an issue, do the online training as other have suggested. Otherwise, ALWAYS check NOTAMs as Papa Joe frequents Camp David nearly every other weekend. Even then, you just need to squawk and talk IFR or VFR Flight plan w flight following. If you don't the controllers will encourage you to use a runway other than 27 but it's still feasible to use if you keep downwind short.
HGR is outside the SFRA. For P40 VFR be talking to someone -don't rely strictly on your GPS to stay clear. Talk to HGR tower or flight following. I was based inside the FRZ, at College Park, and other than the original silly-ass goat rope to get a PIN number, that's no big deal, either. Pretty much the same as any flight, VFR or IFR, originating in a Class B.