Sofia goes solo!


Touchdown! Greaser!
Gone West
Sep 6, 2011
Twin Cities, MN
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I've been training a delightful young lady who aspires to a career in aviation. She's a quick learner and enjoys flying. Mom and Dad were there to watch and cheer her on. Congrats Sofia!


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That's awesome.
very cool

You look different without your ears on(as in your avatar photo).
A bit more info: She's also a talented hockey player and has received a scholarship to play for the Minnesota State University-Mankato. Mankato also has an aviation program so she'll be pursuing her aviation there. She'll be doing an early start on her instrument rating during their summer program June 2016.

One of my SkyWest classmates was a Mankato grad. They've got a good program there.
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Awesome! Glad you still have the time to solo and work with students.
Congrats to the both of you.
Congrats to her and you!

A bit more info: She's also a talented hockey player and has received a scholarship to p,ay for the University of Minnesota at Mankato. Mankato also has an aviation program so she'll be pursuing her aviation there.

FYI...It's Minnesita State University-Mankato. I'm sure both Minnesota State and the U of M would appreciate the distinction. ;)
Congrats to her and you!

FYI...It's Minnesita State University-Mankato. I'm sure both Minnesota State and the U of M would appreciate the distinction. ;)

Correction made. I didn't mean to besmirch Mankato's reputation by associating them with the U of MN! My bad! :D
Congratulations to Sofia, it is good to see a young person embracing aviation.

Here in central Florida we are lucky to see more being done in colleges to encourage more young students into aviation.