2013 Attendee list


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
Display Name

Display name:
White Chocolate
Name. ............. Tail No...... Type ........ Based....... Arrive/Depart
Ed Frederick....... 727DS ....... PA24 ........ 9D9 .........Friday/Monday
Brad & Diz......... 1270T ....... PA28 ........ 9D9 .........Wed?/Tues?
I'll try to attend. I'm officially off for the weekend but will likely have work responsibilities anyway. If I can go I might drive, ride or fly depending on the circumstances.
Name................. Tail No....... Type ........ Based....... Arrive/Depart
Ed Frederick.......... 727DS ....... PA24 ........ 9D9 .........Friday/Monday
Brad & Diz............ 1270T ....... PA28 ........ 9D9 .........Wed?/Tues?
Tim & Chris........... C1500........ Chevy ........H88 .........Wed/Tues+-
Tim, Jeannette, Alex.. 5932V........ PA28R.. ......KMGY ....... Friday/Sunday
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Name................. Tail No....... Type ........ Based....... Arrive/Depart
Ed Frederick.......... 727DS ....... PA24 ........ 9D9 .........Friday/Monday
Brad & Diz............ 1270T ....... PA28 ........ 9D9 .........Wed?/Tues?
Tim & Chris........... C1500........ Chevy ........H88 .........Wed/Tues+-
Tim, Jeannette, Alex.. 5932V........ PA28R.. ......KMGY ....... Friday/Sunday
Liz................... N828JT ...... C177RG ...... KVLL ....... Sat/Sun

I'm still a maybe though. Work is looking worse and worse unfortunately, and I also have a minor mx issue that has to be attended to first.

Name................. Tail No....... Type ........ Based....... Arrive/Depart
Ed Frederick.......... 727DS ....... PA24 ........ 9D9 .........Friday/Monday
Brad & Diz............ 1270T ....... PA28 ........ 9D9 .........Wed?/Tues?
Tim & Chris........... C1500........ Chevy ........H88 .........Wed/Tues+-
Tim, Jeannette, Alex.. 5932V........ PA28R.. ......KMGY ....... Friday/Sunday
Liz A................. N828JT ...... C177RG ...... KVLL ....... Sat/Sun
Liz B................. 78Q ......... HiPerfEAB ... 57D ........ Fri/Sun
Name................. Tail No....... Type ........ Based....... Arrive/Depart
Ed Frederick.......... 727DS ....... PA24 ........ 9D9 .........Friday/Monday
Brad & Diz............ 1270T ....... PA28 ........ 9D9 .........Wed?/Tues?
Tim & Chris........... C1500........ Chevy ........H88 .........Wed/Tues+-
Tim, Jeannette........ 5932V........ PA28R.. ......KMGY ....... Friday/Sunday
Liz A................. N828JT ...... C177RG ...... KVLL ....... Sat/Sun
Liz B................. 78Q ......... HiPerfEAB ... 57D ........ Fri/Sun

Alex backed out which helps the W&B quite a bit, 5932V may change to Odyssey Van depending on the weather.
We've got storms forecast, and with the tight window I've got I'm coming by Goldwing. Make it a two-day ride. Haven't done one of those in an age.
Y'all have fun! Mother is visiting this weekend, which makes the prospect of 6Y9 sound eve more appealing.
Just head out for a short flight around the pattern and claim you got lost and ended up in Michigan, I am sure she will understand.
Yep, wx could be interesting ... figuring out how much play I have in arrival/departure windows; work's a-poppin right now. (Fortunately, the physics-defying RV offers much more flexibility than the old Sooper Yooper Yankee.)

MTA: Ermah gerd! Just noticed that I've surpassed the 1,000-post mark. Heh. Thought I was still around 400 or so. Never thought I'd see the day. :dunno:
Just head out for a short flight around the pattern and claim you got lost and ended up in Michigan, I am sure she will understand.

I wouldn't leave my wife alone with my mother all weekend, that would be cruel and unusual punishment.
I wouldn't leave my wife alone with my mother all weekend, that would be cruel and unusual punishment.

For which party?
I can only say such things from the safety of my keyboard.
I predict a future post from the Mrs DuPuis in your future Edward!!!
I predict a future post from the Mrs DuPuis in your future Edward!!!

She's far smarter and more stealthy. Ed won't see it coming.

Y'all have fun!
Ahhhh, a sneak chopper attack from behind a row of trees!!!!! I like that.

Ed: how much rain have you had over the last few days? How wet is the field?
I'm 279nm away. I don't know. Dad flew up yesterday, and I received no report - which means it should be bueno.
Ahhhh, a sneak chopper attack from behind a row of trees!!!!! I like that.

S-92 is heavily based on the Blackhawk.
It looks like I'm out. :(

Last Sunday after flying I noticed a hook-shaped, very deep scratch on the underside of my right wing that I can't be sure is a scratch and not a crack. I suspect I may have had a grazing bird strike without realizing it. Unfortunately my mechanic, who promised to look at it on Monday, has gone incommunicado again -- I've called him at least 15 times during the week, no answer, no callback. Classes started yesterday so I'm not going to be able to find someone else between now and then.

There were a couple of other things he was supposed to take care of at the same time too.

C'est la vie. :(
I think you might want to find a new mechanic.
Well, the Goldwing is dead to the world, and I don't feel like fixing it today. Thus it's the airplane or nothing. Today isn't terribly flyable here, so we'll see what the wx brings tomorrow.
Whats wrong with the bike?

Got me, ran fine after its oil change last weekend. Today it started sluggishly, died. Wouldn't start, then the whole electrical system went kaflooey. No electrical at all now, I either blew fuse or shorted something out.

Better here than in Sidnaw. I'll get it sorted later.
Name................. Tail No....... Type ........ Based....... Arrive/Depart
Ed Frederick.......... 727DS ....... PA24 ........ 9D9 .........Friday/Monday
Brad & Diz............ 1270T ....... PA28 ........ 9D9 .........Wed?/Tues?
Tim & Chris........... C1500........ Chevy ........H88 .........Wed/Tues+-
Tim, Jeannette........ 5932V........ PA28R.. ......KMGY ....... Friday/Sunday

Liz A................. N828JT ...... C177RG ...... KVLL ....... Sat/Sun
Liz B................. 78Q ......... HiPerfEAB ... 57D ........ Fri/Sun
Grant & Leslie ........WTP 731...... Acura ........ 1C5 ....... Fri/Mon
Steingar ..............Freebird1...... Cherokee ........ ....... Fri/Mon
Dave & Jesse.......................... Mooney
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I think you might want to find a new mechanic.
The only other mechanic I could use is booked well into October, and moving the plane to somewhere that has a reliable mechanic is obviously a non starter right now.
We just had a light rain, but nothing that would soften the field. It's nice and firm right now. Some storms in the forecast but looking west from Hoppy's at 7pm EDT, it's clearing...

...for now.
Y'all have fun now, you hear? If it's too cold up there we can try to pipe some of our 104F forecast northward for the weekend.
Wayne, yall can just keep that nasty hot TX weather. I like the fall time.
Had some nice rains last night. Just walked the runway and couldn't find anything soft. Low, but very thin, overcast right now but forecast to burn off by noon or shortly thereafter.

Come on up!
I am planning the western route around Chicago to get on the back side if possible
I will get one more briefing to see if the forecast is hanging in there. I will post my final decision.
Got me, ran fine after its oil change last weekend. Today it started sluggishly, died. Wouldn't start, then the whole electrical system went kaflooey. No electrical at all now, I either blew fuse or shorted something out.

Better here than in Sidnaw. I'll get it sorted later.

If it's a 1200 it's likely the alternator stator took a dump. Not a fun project to repair.
Got me, ran fine after its oil change last weekend. Today it started sluggishly, died. Wouldn't start, then the whole electrical system went kaflooey. No electrical at all now, I either blew fuse or shorted something out.

Better here than in Sidnaw. I'll get it sorted later.
Shoulda bought a Harley.
Wayne must have sent that heat up to WI anyway. It was 97 in Janesville yesterday and felt like over 100.
It must have come from somebody else. We still gots ours.

Wayne must have sent that heat up to WI anyway. It was 97 in Janesville yesterday and felt like over 100.