Wake Turbulance


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 8, 2015
Santa Barbara, CA
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Posted this in another thread but figured this was probably a good Forum to put it also. About 20 seconds in it shows full left aileron. I'm wondering if a foot full of left rudder and lowering the nose would give a chance of recovering it.
Its no joke. From my home drone FNL:

I too wonder about recovery.
The text on the video states that "the pilot was applying full left-wing down elevator" Never knew that was how the elevator worked.
You're always told to step on the rudder when you get a wing drop doing stalls and MCA practice, so it's effective at lower speeds. It seem intuitive that a hard left rudder input would help. Any aerobatic pilots care to weigh in?
Wow, I'm surprised by the amount of wake turbulence from a fairly small plane (compared to heavy airliners)
You're always told to step on the rudder when you get a wing drop doing stalls and MCA practice, so it's effective at lower speeds. It seem intuitive that a hard left rudder input would help. Any aerobatic pilots care to weigh in?

True rudder yaw/roll coupling exists in most of the airplanes we fly, but in the situation described here where you're banked 90 degrees at low airspeed and low altitude, a boot full of rudder and slightly hamfisted use of the stick could very well cause the pilot to do a 3/4 snap and crash into the ground inverted. Most pilots will not be up to the task.
Hmm what about full right aileron? Could you accelerate the roll and come out level? This is more of a theoretical discussion at this point.
A skilled low-level aerobatic pilot in a high-powered, high performance aerobatic airplane (inverted fuel of course) might pull that off. I guarantee you everyone else would be dead if they tried that. They wouldn't even come close to making it. If you ever get a chance to get some aerobatic training in a Citabria, you'll see what I mean. Roll knife edge at Vx and then try to do a 3/4 roll to level flight and note how many hundreds of feet you just lost.
What if you react before it gets to far out of hand. You're in the wake, full left aeliron, rolling right. Before it gets to say 45 degrees bank would lowering the nose to pick up airspeed and giving it some left rudder help?