Losing a great mechanic


Cleared for Takeoff
Feb 23, 2005
Viola, ID
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Judy Parrish
You all know how important a great A&P/IA is. We just lost a great one. Tom did the annuals (and other work) on my airplane for 14 years or so, before I moved to another airport with (another) great mechanic on site. He was a great guy, and let me work along with him. I learned SO much. RIP, Tom.

Sorry for the loss, young too! Only 58? :eek::(
Yikes, the dude was the same age as me! RIP. Sorry for your loss, Judy. My mechanic is the same age as me. I sure hope he doesn't slough off the mortal coil.
Sorry for the loss, young too! Only 58? :eek::(

Yeah. I don't know how he died. I have a sneaking suspicion it was Covid. There was no special reason I know of that he would end up in a Spokane hospital other than the northern Idaho hospitals are overfull with Covid patients. Also, he was pretty stout, which is a risk factor. I would not be surprised if I were told he viewed the vaccine with suspicion. But I don't really know. 58 is awful young. I'm going to his memorial service on Saturday, and if I learn more, will report.
Sorry for the loss of your mechanic and friend, Judy.
Thanks. I wish everyone could have known him. He was one of those people who always made you smile.
I'd forgotten that, in addition to being portly, Tom had asthma. He died of Covid. Get vaccinated, folks. He was in the hospital 3 weeks and they still couldn't save him. Such a wonderful guy. If you aren't vaccinated, please get vaccinated. You might still get sick, but it cuts your chance of dying by a factor of 10.:(