Help Tonight!


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 13, 2005
Bolingbrook, IL
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Bruce C
I'm in RDU for a family event on my wife's side. Manteo is only 1 hour away. The weather is middling IFR so FFA is not an aerial option. Can a car be rented at Manteo.?..never mind the severe weather adjacent to the south.... sigh.
I THINK so but I am not sure. likely only during the daytime. it's teeny weeny. we left our plane there at Kittyhawk - nice little FBO but very small. nags head isn't too far away, if you can wait til morning you should have some luck?
There are lots of teenaged girls in this extended family. They're going to SHOP tomorrow. I'm trying to see if a trip to FFA is in the cards for some GUYS. We don't like to shop.

Cars are available from a local company. The FBO at Manteo can make the arrangements
bbchien said:
There are lots of teenaged girls in this extended family. They're going to SHOP tomorrow.

Then you will need LOTS of help. ;)

bbchien said:
I'm trying to see if a trip to FFA is in the cards for some GUYS. We don't like to shop.

I love to shop for airplanes (and that's all I like to shop for); especially the part where you try them on for size. Hope you end up having some fun tomorrow Bruce. :)
bbchien said:
There are lots of teenaged girls in this extended family. They're going to SHOP tomorrow. I'm trying to see if a trip to FFA is in the cards for some GUYS. We don't like to shop.


I hope none of those teenaged girls are riding in your plane. You are really going have to watch W&B after a shopping spree! ;)
consider ECG? Not a far drive to ffA, great folks at the FBO. They might still have a "loaner". I wish I was there (Born,raised, trained in Raleigh) the wx really sucks here in southern NJ>> have fun.....KD
bbchien said:
I'm in RDU for a family event on my wife's side. Manteo is only 1 hour away. The weather is middling IFR so FFA is not an aerial option. Can a car be rented at Manteo.?..never mind the severe weather adjacent to the south.... sigh.


The number for the FBO is 252-473-2600. I think they have a courtesy car or a rental.

Another option to consider is Ocracoke (W95). The airport is within walking distance to the village with good restaurants and shops. There are two GPS approaches to the airport, but you will be outside of radar coverage. From RDU, go to Pungo intersection, then W95.

You can call us at 919 661-5518 if you have more questions.
Mark, thank you esp for the FBO number and the generous post of yours. Got a B&R rental, I understand its about 20 min to KH :)

Have fun! Maybe the wx will clear enough for you to fly over and get a photo of your plane with the monument in the background. A must-have for every pilot's file :)
bbchien said:
Mark, thank you esp for the FBO number and the generous post of yours. Got a B&R rental, I understand its about 20 min to KH :)


Enjoy the trip. Sometimes while making the VOR approach into Manteo you will see the FFA airport right below you. ;)
bbchien said:
I'm in RDU for a family event on my wife's side. Manteo is only 1 hour away. The weather is middling IFR so FFA is not an aerial option. Can a car be rented at Manteo.?..never mind the severe weather adjacent to the south.... sigh.

To the best of my knowledge, yes. The FBO had an arrangement with Enterprise the last time I went there. No services at FFA, it's a short flight away. I believe all pilots should land there at least once.... :)

Have a good trip.
Thanks to everyone for helping this unplanned trip. It went VFR just at the sound and we got in to FFA. But I didn't get "the shot". Enjoyed it a lot....