Expected wait time to hear back from FAA after submitting requested documentation?


Line Up and Wait
Oct 30, 2019
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See title. Anyone know what kind of time frame to expect? It's not lost on me that they require documentation to be submitted within 60 days but I was told it could be up to 6 months to receive a response :rolleyes:

Mine was pretty simple, just elevated blood pressure and I submitted the requested doctor's progress note and ECG within a week of receiving the FAA letter. Just wondering how long I'm going to be sitting out waiting.

*Edited. Sigh. Scrolled down and saw other threads already asking the same thing.
Huh, just needed to wait another day, apparently. Checked MedXpress today and it's been updated to Under Final Review. Now I anxiously wait to see if they'll actually send me a medical cert or want more documentation.
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