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    • Maxnr
      I learned to fly a while ago in a J-3. One of the three Cubs had a full swiveling tail wheel. I mean the same as on the front of a...
    • Maxnr
      Maxnr replied to the thread Blue Angels IMAX.
      Wow! The planning for the upcoming combo airshow with the Thunderbirds must be close to melt down by now. Nov 1 and 2 at Pensacola.
    • Maxnr
      Maxnr replied to the thread Northern lights and flying.
      I used to enjoy the lights when I was in Maine. I saw zero effects on Avionics. This was pre-GPS era. My friends in that area don't have...
    • Maxnr
      Maxnr replied to the thread Insurance Companies.
      I insured with Avemco some years ago. I was a working pilot at the time with an ATP and flight time in the five digits. And a spotless...
    • Maxnr
      I hope that you did NOT have to pay for that ride in blood.
    • Maxnr
      The best assignment that I had was the Crash rescue boss at the Primary Flight School at Ft Wolters/MWL, TX. Now the counterpart unit at...
    • Maxnr
      I think Pedro is. Don't know about Sandy. I often tried to out run Pedro (HH-43) to the scene in my UH-1H. An H model can easily blow...
    • Maxnr
      Few years ago, AIM said to use 'Lifeguard" when on a med evac. Part 135. I did until I landed at the hospital. When Repo to home base...
    • Maxnr
      I've been told that when the newly arrived Aero Medical Evac units arrived in Viet Nam, They, along with all other units got new call...
    • Maxnr
      Maxnr replied to the thread Top Gun 3.
      It could be "The son of Maverick" and they can re-cast him as a LTjg.
    • Maxnr
      Maxnr replied to the thread VFR into PHL?.
      I used to go into "North" Philly (PNE). See if that doesn't work for you.
    • Maxnr
      Maxnr replied to the thread Military pilots favor gliders?.
      Forgive me but you got me a bit off topic. I've been fortunate to have had some real great instructors, Student to PPL: Clyde spent WW2...
    • Maxnr
      Maxnr replied to the thread Military pilots favor gliders?.
      Each time that I came to a new club or glider school, I was given a check ride. Without exception, the Instructor had me spin it. (I say...
    • Maxnr
      Maxnr replied to the thread Military pilots favor gliders?.
      I started with the Rucker glider club when I was a student helo pilot at Ft Rucker/Novosel. They had a "hard rule" against any non...
    • Maxnr
      Maxnr replied to the thread 2024 Blue Angels practice schedule.
      Local authorities are having a fit over the auto traffic jams at the back entrance to the NAS on practice mornings. This is a new thing...
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