WWII fighter plane found preserved in the Sahara

Knowing how people behave in general, if I ran across something like that, I would be extremely tempted to take pictures of it then walk away..and never tell anyone.

I mean the plane did quite well on it's own out there for 70 years. Now that people know where it's at, it's subject to being gutted for scrap by greedy locals, used as a pawn for political historical bickering then whatever is left gets a lost corner of a museum if it's lucky. It would probably be better off left alone out there in the elements for another 1000 years...and would likely survive longer than even if it was brought intact to a museum.
Knowing how people behave in general, if I ran across something like that, I would be extremely tempted to take pictures of it then walk away..and never tell anyone.

I mean the plane did quite well on it's own out there for 70 years. Now that people know where it's at, it's subject to being gutted for scrap by greedy locals, used as a pawn for political historical bickering then whatever is left gets a lost corner of a museum if it's lucky. It would probably be better off left alone out there in the elements for another 1000 years...and would likely survive longer than even if it was brought intact to a museum.

Just like the grave robbers who call themselves "archeologists."

Tombs should be left unmolested and protected.
Tombs should be left unmolested and protected.

At least the archeologists try and have good intentions for the most part.

Of course if something is removed from a place like that and preserved in civilization, how long will it actually last in relation to where it was at originally? Lack of storage space or inadequate profits will likely get it sent to the junk yard eventually as scrap..maybe 100 years from now when no one cares about the ancient forgotten WWII. Corrosion and damage from bouncing it around from coastal museums will tear it up over time. Then you're talking about ancient tombs that stay intact for thousands of years that outlast entire civilizations...a civilization can't protect a historical item when the civilization collapses and the survivors turn the item into dinner plates and house roofs.

Since the discovery, the wreck has been seriously vandalized - a travesty the whole aviation world seems unable to stop. The perspex has been smashed out, bullet holes appear in the cowling and other forms of damage and theft seem to be underway.

People are despicable garbage.

So much for any historical ethical issues about walking away and not saying a thing to anyone. If I run across that kind of thing, society will miss out on a little history that few people will ever see or hear about. The history itself will get to live on unmolested.
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